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Deutschland-Ticket for 39 euros instead of 49 euros – these people get the discount


Highlights: Deutschland-Ticket for 39 euros instead of 49 euros – these people get the discount. In North Rhine-Westphalia, some areas have launched the "Deutschlands-T ticket sozial" This is available to all persons who receive benefits such as citizen benefit, social assistance, housing benefit, standard benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Act or support from the war victims' welfare service. In addition to a discount of ten euros, the ticket offers other attractive social benefits for travellers. This includes 30 free minutes per ride on bicycles.

Status: 11.01.2024, 19:17 PM

By: Teresa Toth

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The Deutschland-Ticket allows you to travel throughout the country for only 49 euros. However, for some travelers, there is an option to pay even less.

Munich – Since May 2023, travellers have been able to purchase the Deutschlandticket. This makes it possible to use buses, subways, suburban trains or regional trains for only 49 euros per month. Since 1 December, there has been a new offer that allows some people to get hold of the ticket for only 39 euros.

Since 1 December, there has been a special ticket that is ten euros cheaper than the normal Germany ticket

For a short time, the ticket was already offered ten euros cheaper through an app. With the introduction of the ticket in May 2023, the provider launched the "Digital Premium" campaign - buyers who purchased their Deutschlandticket via the app received a one-time discount of ten euros for the first month. However, this action has already ended. However, since 1 December, certain people have had the chance to save ten euros again.

The Deutschland-Ticket has been available since 1 May 2023 and has enjoyed great popularity ever since. © Hanno Bode/imago

In North Rhine-Westphalia, some areas have launched the "Deutschland-Ticket sozial". This is available to all persons who receive benefits such as citizen benefit, social assistance, housing benefit, standard benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Act or support from the war victims' welfare service, according to the explanation of the Cologne transport company on its website. According to the Ministry of Transport of North Rhine-Westphalia, an estimated three million people are affected by this provision.

In some regions, the Deutschland-Ticket social will only be available from 1 January

With the launch of the new service on 1 December, the Verkehrsbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) and some companies of the Westphalian tariff have already made the ticket available. However, it could still be a few weeks before the ticket is available throughout North Rhine-Westphalia. The Verkehrsbund Rhein-Sieg and the Aachener Verkehrsbund plan to offer the discounted ticket only from January 1, 2024.

What?Deutschland-Ticket social
Who?Recipients of social benefits
When?Pre-sale since 1 December, in other regions from 1 January

Proof of valid authorization is required from consumers for the issuance of the discounted ticket. "Important: The Deutschlandticket sozial is only issued for the period in which the proof of eligibility is valid," emphasise the Cologne transport company. In addition, there is the option of switching from existing tariffs to the Deutschland-Ticket socially. For this purpose, the Cologne public transport company has provided a special page on its website.

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In addition to the discount on the Deutschland-Ticket, there are other advantages

In addition to a discount of ten euros, the Deutschland-Ticket offers other attractive social benefits for travellers. This includes 30 free minutes per ride on bicycles and 90 free minutes per week for the cargo bike of the Cologne transport company. Users can also take advantage of price advantages when registering and on the time rate with the car-sharing service provider cambio.

For some time now, the federal and state governments have been bickering over how the billion-euro project should be financed in the future. Many therefore fear the end of the Deutschlandticket. What is certain is that a price increase is out of the question for many users. (tt)

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Source: merkur

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