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EU industrialists to Draghi: 'A strategy on competitiveness is urgently needed' - News


Highlights: Mario Draghi, appointed by the Commission to draw up the report on the EU's competitiveness, met with a small delegation from Business Europe. The president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, was also invited to the meeting. The President of Business Europe, Fredrik Persson, stressed to Draghi "the urgent need for a strategic approach to the competitiveness of the European Union as a place of business and place of investment" "We have high expectations from Draghi's report," said Persson.

The meeting with a small delegation of Business Europe, 'great expectations from his report' (ANSA)

Today in Brussels, Mario Draghi, appointed by the Commission to draw up the report on the EU's competitiveness, met with a small delegation from Business Europe, the group that represents European industries. The president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, was also invited to the meeting. During the meeting, which was held at the Berlaymont Palace, the President of Business Europe, Fredrik Persson, stressed to Draghi "the urgent need for a strategic approach to the competitiveness of the European Union as a place of business and place of investment. We have high expectations from Draghi's report."

ANSA ECB Agency: 'Without new shocks, growth restarts this year' - News - "The most recent data for the fourth quarter of 2023 indicate that growth is likely to remain moderate, while the labor market is expected to slow. (ANSA)

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