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Federico Ruffo: "Emergency call is a real journey" - TV


Highlights: Federico Ruffo: "Emergency call is a real journey" - TV. The second season on Rai3 in late evening from January 13 (ANSA). The reality of a daily commitment told without filters: together with the police to document the unpredictability of the emergency through chases, arrests and investigations. This year "Emergency Call" is hosted in the studio by Ruffo, born in 1979, who for some years has become a full-fledged television face. Since 2020 he has also been the host of Mi manda Raitre.

The second season on Rai3 in late evening from January 13 (ANSA)

The reality of a daily commitment told without filters: together with the police to document the unpredictability of the emergency through chases, arrests and investigations. This year "Emergency Call" is hosted in the studio by Federico Ruffo, born in 1979, who for some years has become a full-fledged television face, after having stopped playing the role of investigative journalist first at Presadiretta and then at Report. Since 2020 he has also been the host of Mi manda Raitre. Ruffo is also the author of the book that became a TV drama The Devil's Watches. "Emergency Call" airs from Saturday 13 January, at 00.30 on Rai 3.

Ruffo, the first thing he wants to emphasize is that Emergency Call is ''a program that enhances reportage, all those great professionals who have been doing their job with dedication for years, consuming kilometers and kilometers and 'the soles of their shoes' as they say in jargon, I say this because today that I lead I don't have the time available as before when I was also a street reporter, but there are operators and journalists like the creator of this program Marco Petruzzelli. Emergency call - he adds - is a difficult journey, but true from the first to the last second. We're going to look at those street corners that we never go into."

Ruffo continues: "we will have some news: the program is extended from 30 to 50 minutes and is also enriched by the story and images taken by the police themselves during the raids and the captures of the most important fugitives: from the arrest of Michele Zagaria in an underground bunker hidden under a room made "mobile" by a mechanized track, after a long work of intelligence, to that of the elusive Giovanni Brusca, up to the capture of Giuseppe Setola after months of escapes through the sewers, to arrive at the blitz that led to the arrest of the "Cecato" Massimo Carminati''. Whole days and nights on board the police car, along the streets of the town, in the heart of daily emergencies. But that's not all, the cameras "are on the ambulances together with doctors and nurses who try the possible and the impossible, we will be following the doctors in the most difficult areas of the world, on the boats attempting extreme rescues in the waters of the Mediterranean. The protagonists of the emergency are back, always ready to put in place courage and preparation to face any type of threat and danger''.

In the first episode we will witness the eventful arrest of a drug dealer who, in the Barriera Milano district of Turin, hid 200 balls of drugs in his mouth. We will then move to a nearby slum, inhabited by homeless people and immigrants, in conditions of extreme degradation, which is used as a place to store the stolen goods of the robberies carried out in the Piedmontese capital. In Rome, on the other hand, we will follow the rescue operations of a thirteen-year-old girl who risked an ethyl coma together with a group of underage friends in the Caffarella park. In addition, "there are two in-depth studies. A report from Kosovo will tell the activities of the Italian soldiers engaged in the international KFOR contingent in the context of peacekeeping and defense and security operations in the region. We will follow a doctor who commutes every week between Italy and Albania to save the lives of children, he is a great heart surgeon, he goes there to perform complicated operations and then comes back.

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Source: ansa

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