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Financier Gianluigi Torzi arrested in Dubai - Last hour


Highlights: Financier Gianluigi Torzi was detained in Dubai yesterday by the police. The confirmation comes from investigative circles. It is thought that the arrest took place as part of the Milan investigation. Torzi is also involved in the Milanese cases on an alleged Cesare Pozzo scam and on the billion-euro securitization of health loans. The proceedings, instructed by the prosecutor Stefano Civardi, now appointed deputy in Pavia, are in the preliminary hearing phase. The arrest will have to be validated by the Emirati authorities.

The financier Gianluigi Torzi was detained in Dubai yesterday by the police. The confirmation comes from investigative circles. (ANSA)

The financier Gianluigi Torzi was detained in Dubai yesterday by the police. The confirmation comes from investigative circles. From what is hypothesized, Torzi's arrest - which will have to be validated by the Emirati authorities - is due to a precautionary measure requested by the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office for the hypothesis of rigging on Aedes shares, an investment company listed on the Stock Exchange, a crime that would have been committed between 2017 and 2019.
According to the first and summary information, Torzi, sentenced in the first instance also to 6 years for the affair of the management of the funds of the Vatican secretariat of state and on the purchase and sale of a building on Sloane Avenue in London, has been arrested and is now in prison in Dubai, awaiting validation. Since no judicial act has yet been communicated, it is thought that the arrest took place as part of the Milan investigation which hypothesizes a series of "simulated and artificial transactions concretely suitable - reads the indictment - to cause a significant alteration in the price of the shares of Aedes Siiq spa", a real estate investment company listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.
The proceedings, instructed by the prosecutor Stefano Civardi, now appointed deputy in Pavia, are in the preliminary hearing phase. A year ago, in fact, the Court of Cassation had confirmed the decision of the Court of Review of Milan which had ordered prison against the rejection by the investigating judge Alessandra Cecchelli, of the precautionary measure requested by the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Torzi is also involved in the Milanese cases on an alleged Cesare Pozzo scam and on the billion-euro securitization of health loans. At the moment it is not known whether the arrest is related to another investigation whose contents are not known.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-11

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