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From sweet cakes to hearty casseroles: light enjoyment with ten delicious low-carb dishes


Highlights: From sweet cakes to hearty casseroles: light enjoyment with ten delicious low-carb dishes. From sweet cheesecake to pasta with tomato and cheese, these dishes are easy to bake in the low- carb version. Low-carb pasta made with zucchini spaghetti, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese is also very easy to prepare and vegetarian. The ultimate low carb classic, Mediterranean oven vegetables with feta and fresh herbs, is alsoVery easy to make and very low carb and Vegetarian. Low carb semolina porridge can even be prepared vegan with various fruits.

Status: 11.01.2024, 18:30 PM

By: Clara Kistner

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Many people associate a low-carbohydrate diet with boiled vegetables with steamed fish. You don't have to do without anything with numerous low-carb dishes.

1 / 10The classic cheesecake is also easy to bake in the low-carb version. The light and airy quark cream with a hint of vanilla also tastes good when baked without a base. (Symbolic image) © Westend61/Imago

2 / 10Even though grandma probably didn't have much to do with low carb yet, her recipe for a warming vegetable stew with minced meat is also carbohydrate-reduced (symbolic image) © YAY Images/Imago

3 / 10Fancy pasta with tomato and cheese? Then try the simple but delicious low-carb pasta made with zucchini spaghetti, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese. (Symbolic image) © Pond5 Images/Imago

4 / 10For one of the most classic low-carb dishes of all time, oven vegetables with feta cheese, vegetables in almost all colors and shapes are suitable. (Symbolic image) © Zoonar/Imago

5 / 10If you serve them with a large salad instead of pasta, you can enjoy the juicy meatballs in fruity tomato sauce and mozzarella with reduced carbohydrates. (Symbolic image) © Zoonar/Imago

6 / 10Crispy cauliflower in béchamel sauce and gratinated with cheese not only sounds delicious, but is even low carb and vegetarian. (Symbolic image) © YAY Images/Imago

7 / 10Whether as a warming breakfast or a low-carb dessert, the low-carb semolina porridge can even be prepared vegan with various fruits and milk alternatives. (Symbolic image) © Yulu/Imago

8 / 10Fancy a big piece of moist chocolate cake with your afternoon coffee? Then try the simple low-carb version. (Symbolic image) © Martina Raedlein/Imago

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9 / 10With its low-carb crust, fruity tomato sauce, as well as individual toppings and cheese, the low-carb pizza tastes particularly good to your body. (Symbolic image) © Sandra Roesch/Imago

10 / 10The delicious chicken and vegetable stir-fry is quick to prepare and can also convince as a low-carb dish with colorful vegetables and crispy chicken. (Symbolic image) © Martin Bäuml/Imago

Not only grandma's warming vegetable stew with minced meat should be cooked in every low-carb kitchen, but also a low-carb version of her classic cheesecake is child's play and baked with only six ingredients. If you also puree strawberries and sweeten them with a little agave syrup or honey, you can conjure up a heavenly fruit sauce for the cake from just two other ingredients.

If pasta with tomato sauce is usually on your weekly menu at least twice, you don't have to do without it either. Because fresh zucchini is quickly conjured up into low-carb spaghetti and served with cherry tomatoes and feta cheese. The ultimate low-carb classic, Mediterranean oven vegetables with feta and fresh herbs, is also very easy to prepare and vegetarian.

If you like it a little heartier, you should try the low-carb meatballs in fruity tomato sauce with mozzarella. A special ingredient makes the meatballs particularly juicy and can be served, for example, with a colorful salad. The low-carb cauliflower casserole is also baked in the oven with a creamy béchamel sauce and a crispy cheese crust.

A bowl of creamy semolina porridge is not only suitable as a low-carb breakfast, but also as a healthier dessert or for the small sweet tooth in between. For example, serve the semolina porridge with fresh berries. If you want something a little more chocolatey, we recommend a piece of low-carb chocolate cake with your afternoon coffee.

If you have taken a liking to Italian low-carb cuisine, a classic pizza can also be prepared with low-carb dough after the zucchini pasta. If you want to go a little faster, we recommend the low-carb chicken stir-fry with colorful vegetables.

Source: merkur

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