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Marco Risi, The Dew Point and My Father's Nostalgia - Cinema


Highlights: Marco Risi's Il punto di rugiada is a film full of direct and indirect references to his father, but also to that world that disappeared with him. The plot: where can two stoned boys and a group of elderly people ever meet if not in a rich retirement home? The former are there for a year of socially useful work while the latter to make the most of what they have left, which are still well served. Risi: "I've been thinking about this film about old people for about thirteen years and, in the meantime, you can say that I've become one"

The director: "I'm sorry he didn't get to see my latest works" (ANSA)

"In this film there is also a great nostalgia for my father. I miss everything about him and especially the fact that he didn't get to see my latest work." This is how Marco Risi presented Il punto di rugiada at the Turin Film Festival in December and now from January 18 in cinemas with Fandango. Hence a film full of direct and indirect references to his father, but also to that world that disappeared with him. Meanwhile, the plot: where can two stoned boys and a group of elderly people ever meet if not in a rich retirement home? The former are there for a year of socially useful work while the latter to make the most of what they have left, which are still well served. This is the setting of Marco Risi's film starring two young people: Carlo (Alessandro Fella), a spoiled boy guilty of causing a serious car accident one drunken night that scarred the girl who was in the car with him, and Manuel (Roberto Gudese), a nice drug dealer caught red-handed. Both young people are confined to the Villa Bianca retirement home and entrusted, among other things, to the assistant Luisa (Lucia Rossi) who has been working in this facility for years. Among the guests of the villa, Pietro, a colonel (played by eighty-two-year-old Eros Pagni) who does not seem to have had a great relationship with his son; Dino Rimoldi (Massimo De Francovich, 86 years old), a former photographer who would love to die and who is not surprisingly called Dino and has a surname with the same R as Risi; a poet Federico (Luigi Diberti) who is less and less present to himself and a tonic guest Antonella (Erika Blank) full of life despite her age. What happens between those who have their whole life ahead of them and those who have too little is certainly a short circuit full of implications for both. Risi says of this film written with Riccardo De Torrebruna and Francesco Frangipane: "It tells a lot about me and the book written about my relationship with my father. It has to do with the elderly, with those who are close to the "great goal" compared to those who have life in front of them. I like the encounter between these two worlds that can't always stand each other." And Risi again: "I've been thinking about this film about old people for about thirteen years and, in the meantime, you can say that I've become one. At the same time, the idea was born to write a book that had to do with my father, 'Strong Rapid Breathing'. In the end, in 2019, with Riccardo de Torrebruna and Francesco Frangipane we locked ourselves in the house of Circeo and came out only with a finally convincing setlist". How much does free will weigh if when you are old or sick you choose the path of euthanasia as it is for Dino Rimoldi's character? "According to some, free will does not exist, both Leonardo and Spinoza believed so, but as far as euthanasia is concerned, I am absolutely in favor of it. I told my parents, if I should be stupid, suppress me!" The cast of the film also includes: Elena Cotta, Maurizio Micheli, Valerio Binasco and Ariella Reggio. Finally the title, what is dew point? Also called dew temperature, it is precisely the temperature at which the air must cool in order for the water vapor to begin to condense.

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Source: ansa

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