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Medvedev, nuclear response if long-range missiles in Kiev - Breaking hour


Highlights: If Kyiv uses Western-supplied long-range missiles against launch sites in Russia, Moscow could respond with nuclear weapons. This was written by former President Dmitry Medvedev on his Telegram channel. The implementation of such a plan by Kiev could be considered an "aggression against the Russian Federation with conventional weapons that puts the very existence of the state at risk", he said. "All the heirs of Hitler, Mussolini, Pétain and others in Europe today who support the Nazis in Kiev must remember this," he concludes.

If Kyiv uses Western-supplied long-range missiles against launch sites in Russia, Moscow could respond with nuclear weapons. This was written by former President Dmitry Medvedev on his Telegram channel. (ANSA)

If Kyiv uses Western-supplied long-range missiles against launch sites in Russia, Moscow could respond with nuclear weapons. This was written by former President Dmitry Medvedev on his Telegram channel. The implementation of such a plan by Kiev could be considered an "aggression against the Russian Federation with conventional weapons that puts the very existence of the state at risk", and therefore could trigger a nuclear retaliation, Medvedev said. "All the heirs of Hitler, Mussolini, Pétain and others in Europe today who support the Nazis in Kiev must remember this," he concludes.

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Source: ansa

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