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Meloni, Salvini and Tajani meeting: 'meeting on migrants, Ukraine and the Middle East' - News


Highlights: Meloni, Salvini and Tajani meeting:'meeting on migrants, Ukraine and the Middle East' - News. From Palazzo Chigi, the lunch between the three center-right leaders on the regional elections is denied. The League has presented a bill to introduce a third term for governors (ANSA). Meeting in the morning between Prime Minister Meloni and the two Deputy Prime Ministers, Salvinis and Tajni. Later, Tajani would see Meloni at P.Chigi.

From Palazzo Chigi, the lunch between the three center-right leaders on the regional elections is denied. The League has presented a bill to introduce a third term for governors (ANSA)

Meeting in the morning between Prime Minister Meloni and the two Deputy Prime Ministers, Salvini and Tajani.

From Palazzo Chigi, the lunch between the three center-right leaders on the regional elections is denied. The same sources explain that in the morning there was a meeting on the issue of immigration attended by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the two Deputy Prime Ministers Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Undersecretary to the Prime Minister's Office Alfredo Mantovano. Later, Tajani would see Meloni.

Tajani, at P.Chigi talked about migrants and the situation of Mo and Ukraine

"There was no lunch, this morning we talked about immigration, the situation in the Mediterranean, the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine: we have the government and the leadership of the G7, we worry about what is happening in the world, what is happening at our borders, we have not talked about regional administrative elections, we have not talked about Sardinia." This is how Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani left the headquarters of FI after meeting the regional coordinators. "The elections in Sardinia and Basilicata are very important, but today we have addressed the international situation with seriousness and responsibility as ministers of the Italian government, as prime ministers, vice-presidents and other ministers, issues that are on all the front pages."

Tajani, three-way summit? It will be done if necessary, I am optimistic

A three-way summit on regionals? "If necessary, it will be done, meetings will be held when they have to be held, I am optimistic that the problem will be solved." This is how Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani left the headquarters of FI after meeting the regional coordinators in view of the party congress. "The responsibility of government - he stressed - is more important than the responsibility of the party, we would be irresponsible if we did not worry about the very complicated and very difficult international situation. We are doing our duty, there is a situation related to immigration, there is a situation linked to foreign policy, there is an Italian military presence in Lebanon: we are concerned about the things that are happening in the world that we are watching with great attention, we play a leading role, we are responsible and in this phase of leadership of the G7 we cannot fail to identify the things to be done. We are helping the Palestinian people, we are working for peace in the Middle East, we are working for Ukraine, for a very complicated situation in Africa as well, we talked about this" this morning at Palazzo Chigi.

League presents proposal for a third term of governors

The League has introduced a bill to introduce a third term for governors. The proposal, signed by Alberto Stefani, secretary of the Veneto League and president of the bicameral commission for fiscal federalism, modifies the 2004 law that set the maximum number of consecutive mandates for regional presidents at two "in order to enhance the work done by governors - it reads - and leave citizens the possibility of freely choosing who to be represented by".

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Source: ansa

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