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The opposition attacks on Pozzolo. Nordio: 'The episode is a secret investigation' - News


Highlights: The opposition attacks on Pozzolo. Nordio: 'The episode is a secret investigation' - News. Iv-Pd, controversy over Delmastro. Minister, we will give political answers (ANSA). The political storm over the Pozolo case, which seemed dormant after the suspension of the deputy from FdI, is far from over and this time Andrea Del Mastro ends up under fire from the opposition. The opportunity for the oppositions - with PD and IV calling for the resignation of the undersecretary of Justice.

Iv-Pd, controversy over Delmastro. Minister, we will give political answers (ANSA)

The political storm over the Pozzolo case, which seemed dormant after the suspension of the deputy from FdI, is far from over and this time Andrea Delmastro ends up under fire from the opposition again. The opportunity for the oppositions - with PD and IV calling for the resignation of the undersecretary of Justice - came at question time in the Senate, also in light of rumors that emerged in Il Foglio: according to the newspaper, the Piedmontese parliamentarian, removed from the party for having brought the mini revolver to the New Year's Eve party in Rosazza, would have repeated in recent days that the gunshot, with the consequent wounding of Luca Campana, he would have started from Delmastro's escort leader. And also - according to a version yet to be verified and pending the investigations of the Public Prosecutor's Office - that the undersecretary at the time of the accident was in the room where they were celebrating with all the other guests and therefore was not, as immediately declared, in a parking lot two hundred meters away.

Rumors that at the moment have no foundation for Minister Nordio. Faced with requests for clarification from Matteo Renzi, and the Democratic senator, Anna Rossomando, the Keeper of the Seals specifies: "I would like to speak as a magistrate and I cannot. And since I have to speak as a minister, I can only bow before the secrecy of the investigation. Investigations are underway and it would be improper and criminal if I had to reveal things, which I don't know anyway. We bow before the autonomy and the much-vaunted independence of the judiciary," Nordio explains, also announcing that: "once the prosecutors' investigations are over, we will not shy away from the answers, including political ones, that we should give."
From the benches, the senators of Iv and Pd x-rayed Delmastro's statements on what happened that night in Rosazza and therefore on the fact that he had said he was far from the escort at the time of the shooting. A behavior that Nordio good-naturedly absolves: "I would like many, including representatives of previous governments and former ministers of Justice, to affirm to me on their honor that they have never violated the rules of protection: that they have never escaped, as they say, from the escort by sowing it. It doesn't happen with me, but I'm afraid this has happened in the past." And on the presence of the escort at the party, he adds: "There is nothing scandalous if a convivial event is also attended by people who have to protect those who participate in that situation."

Doubts about the nature of the relationship between the undersecretary and some sectors of the prison police, according to the opposition close to his party, are also on the table of political accusations. The Senator of the Democratic Party Rossomando casts the shadow of a propaganda activity by mentioning, in addition to the New Year's Eve party, also a dinner on "last December 3 in Biella, organized for the Christmas greetings of Fratelli d'Italia where were present, among others, Undersecretary Delmastro and Honorable Pozzolo." On this too, the minister squares off and emphasizes the "particular position" of Delmastro, who through the delegation to the DAP, makes him in particular relations with the prison officers. Relations, also with the trade unions in the sector, are supported by "lively and sincere appreciation for the commitment of the undersecretary".

Renzi, dissatisfied with the answers of the Keeper of the Seals, speaks of "proprietary use of the penitentiary police and omertous reticence". The Autonomous Trade Union Organization of Penitentiary Police is also calling for the undersecretary's resignation: "the relationship that he has established from the first moment of his assignment on 'let's love each other', between dinners and aperitifs, pats on the back and smiles, has turned out to be an 'act of betrayal' compared to the too many and numerous promises to improve the working conditions of the staff."

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