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The production of Gorgonzola PDO is back in positive territory, +2.59% - Prodotti Tipici


Highlights: The production of Gorgonzola PDO is back in positive territory, +2.59% - Prodotti Tipici. The thirty-nine member companies, located in the fifteen production provinces straddling Piedmont and Lombardy, produced 130,664 more wheels than in 2022. The fresh product destined for spoon sale also decreases (-25.21%) - organic farming is decidedly positive, growing by 19%, equal to 8,032 more wheels produced in 2023.

The production of Gorgonzola PDO is back in positive territory in 2023: production stands, announces the Consortium for the Protection of Gorgonzola PDO Cheese in a note, out of 5,178,975 wheels produced in the past year with an increase of 2.59% compared to 2022. (ANSA)

The production of Gorgonzola PDO is back in positive territory in 2023: production stands, announces the Consortium for the Protection of Gorgonzola PDO Cheese in a note, out of 5,178,975 wheels produced in the past year with an increase of 2.59% compared to 2022. The thirty-nine member companies, located in the fifteen production provinces straddling Piedmont and Lombardy, produced 130,664 more wheels than in 2022, but it is Piedmont that is driving the growth with 3,757,088 total wheels in 2023 (+3.58%).
Antonio Auricchio, President of the Gorgonzola PDO Consortium, comments on the data: "After the setback in 2022, the first in a decade, the production of Gorgonzola PDO has returned to a decisive positive sign with over 130 thousand more wheels produced last year. I consider this a good result because we have recovered more than half of what we had lost in 2022 and we have done so at a time of difficulty, for all dairy PDOs, with agriculture suffering due to climate change and an international situation marked by disastrous war conflicts around the world with repercussions also on traditional trade routes. Despite the difficulties, however, I remain strenuously convinced of the importance of not debasing prices because ours are certified Italian products of the highest quality and as such are perceived by consumers all over the world. Exports have always done very well, helping us even in the most difficult years, and at the moment they are basically stable."
With regard to the types, the production of spicy Gorgonzola PDO last year stopped at 614,039 wheels equal to 11.86% of the total, down 2.47% compared to 2022.
The fresh product destined for spoon sale also decreases (-25.21%), while the figure for Gorgonzola from organic farming is decidedly positive, growing by 19%, equal to 8,032 more wheels produced in 2023.

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Source: ansa

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