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Valerio Lundini: "My complicated affairs" - Tv


Highlights: Valerio Lundini is back with a brand new program he conceived and directed, "Faccende Complicate" Ten episodes on Raiplay, every Friday from January 12 (ANSA). "The difference between doing a studio show and a traveling one is mental laziness, I write less and improvise more," Lundini says. The title "Complicated Matters" was born "because I liked it as an expression. People aren't complicated, but something fun can come out of anyone"

Ten episodes on Raiplay, every Friday from January 12 (ANSA)

"The difference between doing a studio show and a traveling one is mental laziness, I write less and improvise more, but in reality for each episode it's 4-5 days of work." Valerio Lundini is back with a brand new program he conceived and directed, "Faccende Complicate", this time on RaiPlay from Friday 12 January the first three episodes online and the others from 19 and 26 January: an original journey around Italy to interview ordinary people and tell stories that concern everyone very closely. "Complicated Affairs", the subtitle of the show is "Real Investigations on Surreal Realities", is everything that Valerio Lundini "had not yet thought of proposing", that is, a series of investigations on the most absurd sides of the reality that surrounds us.

"I always started from Rome, so it's a journey from center to north or from center to south," Lundini explained. Lundini then tells some anecdotes and reveals the themes of some episodes: beauty, chess, the difficulty of life in a wheelchair, the dreams of ordinary people, who are not ordinary. The new program, an original of Rai Digital and Transmedia Content produced by Simona Ercolani for Stand By Me, was presented at the Rai headquarters in Viale Mazzini by Lundini himself with Maurizio Imbriale, Director of the Digital and Transmedia Content Department and Simona Ercolani, CEO and Creative Director of Stand By Me. Lundini, this time also in the role of author and director, in presenting it explains that he has chosen a different formula from the studio program to "write less and improvise more" and then laughs saying that an advantage of traveling is that just by mentioning Rai you receive free coffee and bitters from the people you meet: "We also went abroad, to Albania." A preview of one of the episodes, set in Turin in which Lundini has as its protagonist Edoardo, a wheelchair chess champion following an accident, entitled 'That game similar to Checkers', was previewed. It's centered on a chess-boxing tournament. In this episode, Lundini interacts with a number of chess players and interviews them in his own way. There is no shortage of politically incorrect gags. Then there are two episodes shot in Naples: "in one I go to investigate the history of the suspended coffee, and a double one with a 20-year-old boy, from Milan, met on the street, to whom I asked what his ambitions were, and since it was his dream to make music I wrote a song for him. We recorded it, we made a video, but then the ending is a bit sad, because the happy ones are predictable in comedy." The title "Complicated Matters" was born "because I liked it as an expression. People aren't complicated, but something fun can come out of anyone."

Ten episodes around Italy in cities such as Turin, Naples, Milan, Riccione and in small provincial towns. Between the nonsense and the surreal, Lundini ranges in his own way, investigating in his own way the life of foreign students in Italy, or how a record success is born, the Italian culinary traditions and the secrets of good-looking people, but also the difficulties and vicissitudes of everyday life. To discover, together with the public, stories that are born complex and will become more and more so. In another episode, the Middle Ages are relived. "We often hear that we live in bad times, adding that even in the Middle Ages people didn't live like this. In the episode, I meet a person who has been the victim of discrimination, not very serious, for his sexual orientation. And to remove some stereotypes about those centuries, I take her to reunite with those years to understand if they were really as bad as they are told or if that is simply a figure of speech." Then the 80s, in a nostalgic vein: "I'm going to meet the "paninari". And then, an episode on beauty." "We are very happy to have Valerio Lundini on RaiPlay, one of the talents of Italian comedy," Imbriale points out, "who experienced immediate television success with 'Una pezza di Lundini' on Rai2." Simona Ercolani of Stand By Me concluded: "Lundini has been able to touch on even very difficult topics with lightness but also a lot of depth, saying that the comedian makes you laugh but also vibrates emotions".

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Source: ansa

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