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What you need to know about the salary increase as an employee


Highlights: Employment law does not set a fixed period of time when you can negotiate your salary. Young professionals should ask for their first salary increase after two years at the company. More experienced employees could start salary negotiations after just one year. If you are preparing for an interview, the following table can help you estimate the salary increase. If a salary increase is not possible at the moment, also think about benefits that you could claim instead. For example, more paid days or training opportunities or vacation opportunities.

Status: 11.01.2024, 16:31 PM

By: Carina Blumenroth

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Everything will be more expensive, the salary will remain the same. If a salary negotiation is imminent, you should think about a strategy. You can get an overview here.

Many people have set goals or made specific plans for the new year. This affects not only private life, but also work. One issue that concerns many employees is salary. If you're looking for a salary adjustment, you'll need a strategy. There are a few things to keep in mind.

When do salary increases take place?

The desire for a higher salary is shared by many employees. Make a note of your successes over the course of the year. © Yay Images/Imago

Employment law does not set a fixed period of time when you can negotiate your salary. The Labour Rights portal informs that a company can, however, limit this. When you can meaningfully negotiate your salary depends, among other things, on the external circumstances.

  • After the probationary period: You have successfully passed the probationary period and fit into the company. Their performance meets the requirements, in which case a salary increase is not uncommon, reports
  • Expiring contract: Your fixed-term contract is expiring and the company wants to keep you (fixed-term or indefinite). If the job profile is then expanded, this is a good time to ask for more salary.
  • Promotion: You take on new responsibilities, maybe even a managerial position, which usually comes with a raise.
  • At the appraisal interview: Every year, some companies have meetings between employees and supervisors. In this context, employees receive feedback for the work they have done. However, you can also express your wishes and request a salary increase.
  • Transfer: If you are asked to take on another position internally, this can also affect the salary.

You should confirm your salary aspirations with your expertise, with which you strengthen the company. Therefore, it is advisable that you write down your successes so that you can then bring them to the conversation. However, it is important that you do not ask for a salary increase after every successful project or assignment. Employment law experts recommend asking for a salary negotiation no more than every 18 to 24 months. The career portal Kununu informs that young professionals should ask for their first salary increase after two years at the company at the earliest. More experienced employees could start salary negotiations after just one year.

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Salary increase without changing positions: what percentage you can ask for

If your area of responsibility has not changed, an increase in income of between three and seven percent is possible, the portal Indeed informs. So you can calculate in advance what you might be facing. However, it makes sense for you to demand a higher salary. A guideline in this case could be your salary plus ten percent. With the claim, you go into salary negotiations. Your employer will certainly negotiate you down. However, you can still save something if you have negotiated badly. If you are preparing for an interview, the following table can help you estimate the salary increase.

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ReasonSalary increase in percentage
For no significant reasonBetween three and seven percent
Promotion, assumption of responsible tasksBetween ten and fifteen percent
Job changeSalary jump of fifteen to twenty percent

The figures correspond to average values that may be possible. However, the actual amount depends on several factors, including cost-effectiveness. So you should find out in advance how the company is doing at the moment and adjust your wishes accordingly. You always go into the negotiation with a slightly higher desire than you would actually like. If a salary increase is not possible at the moment, also think about benefits that you could claim instead. For example, more paid vacation days or training opportunities. However, it can also be worthwhile to change jobs every two years.

Source: merkur

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