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"The Outlaws": Social hours for series fans


Highlights: "The Outlaws" tells the story of seven strangers from different backgrounds who become friends in the midst of legal harassment, tender romances and mortal threats. Stephen Merchant plays with plenty of clichés, but endows his characters with great warmth and depth. ZDFneo will be showing a new episode every week from 14 January, and the six-part series will be available in its entirety in the media library from Monday, 15 January. For more information, visit Z

Status: 12.01.2024, 16:18 PM

By: Astrid Kistner

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Frank (Christopher Walken, from left), Rani (Rhianne Barreto), Christian (Gamba Cole), Greg (Stephen Merchant) and Gabby (Eleanor Tomlinson) have to do community service. © Photo: ZDFneo

A real Banksy, just gone. ZDFneo shows the six-part, fabulous miniseries "The Outlaws", in which an original by the street artist is painted over at the end.

What a bunch! Sentenced by the court to community service, seven petty criminals in Bristol, England, are forced to do community service. Under the suspicious eyes of their overseer, they are tasked with clearing out an old house and converting it into a community center. What do they have in common? Nothing – except for a bag full of money that they come across during the clean-up work.

Writer, director and actor Stephen Merchant ("The Office") has achieved a small masterpiece with the six-part miniseries "The Outlaws": For his darkly humorous mix of situation comedy, crime and drama, he was able to win over not only Oscar winner Christopher Walken, but also street artist Banksy.

Street art star Banksy contributed one of his works, which will be painted over in the finale. © Photo: ZDFneo

He himself comes from Bristol and ennobled the dilapidated barracks in the BBC series, which starts this Sunday (14 January) at 20.15 p.m. on ZDFneo, with one of his works: a rat with two spray cans and the lettering "Banksy". His condition: None other than Christopher Walken, who plays the incorrigible crook Frank in the series, has to paint over the original in the season finale. "Diane, look at this rat," Frank says when he discovers the artwork at the church service. "All pests under ten kilos are yours – pack them up and dispose of them," the warden replies without even looking. Frank's observation that he is "a pretty ingenious graffiti rat" is acknowledged by her with the bored words "less discussion, more painting".

Stephen Merchant is not only the writer and director of the series. He also plays the goofy lawyer Greg. © Photo: ZDFneo

It's a pretty cool finale for the British series, in which author Stephen Merchant plays with plenty of clichés, but endows his characters with great warmth and depth. That's where Oxford scholarship holder and shoplifter Rani (Rhianne Barreto), politically incorrect entrepreneur John (Darren Boyd), black activist Myrna (Clare Perkins), influencer Lady Gabriella (Eleanor Tomlinsen), young gangster Christian (Gamba Cole), old crook Frank (Christopher Walken) and goofy lawyer Greg meet. The latter is played by Merchant himself with ravishing awkwardness and bittersweet wit.

"The Outlaws" tells the story of seven strangers from different backgrounds who become friends in the midst of legal harassment, tender romances and mortal threats. Everyone has their own story to carry. For critical observers, the series may be a social fairy tale that creates the illusion that there are far fewer differences in our society than is believed. Everyone else will have a lot of fun with the wonderfully exaggerated characters, the great ensemble performance, the sometimes crude wit and especially with overseer Diane Pemberley (played by Jessica Gunning).

ZDFneo will be showing a new episode every week from 14 January, and the six-part series will be available in its entirety in the media library from Monday, 15 January.

Source: merkur

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