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Coffee for dementia: Risk of memory loss from age 50 decreases if you drink 2 to 3 cups daily


Highlights: Coffee for dementia: Risk of memory loss from age 50 decreases if you drink 2 to 3 cups daily. Coffee also contains antioxidants that can fight inflammation in the body. In addition, the stimulant ensures that our body produces hormones that promote mental performance and concentration. However, it is important to keep coffee consumption in moderation and to pay attention to individual reactions to caffeine. The positive effect of coffee on our health is due, among other things, to the plant substances it contains. The exact mechanisms behind this relationship are not yet fully understood.

Status: 12.01.2024, 15:37 PM

By: Juliane Gutmann

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According to one study, there is a link between regular coffee consumption and a lower risk of developing dementia.

Coffee is considered healthy. Studies have shown that regular coffee consumption can reduce the risk of certain conditions, including type 2 diabetes and liver diseases such as fatty liver. Coffee also contains antioxidants that can fight inflammation in the body. In addition, the stimulant ensures that our body produces hormones that promote mental performance and concentration. However, it is important to keep coffee consumption in moderation and to pay attention to individual reactions to caffeine.

The risk of dementia is also said to be reduced by regular coffee consumption. This is the conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by Yuan Zhang from the School of Public Health at Tianjin Medical University in Tianjin, China. The scientists investigated how many cups of coffee have a positive effect on brain health.

A 28 percent lower risk of dementia from coffee

"We found that coffee and tea consumption, individually or in combination, are associated with a lower risk of stroke and dementia," according to a finding from the Sino-US research group. For their analysis, they evaluated data from almost 370,000 people between the ages of 50 and 74 from the UK Biobank. This is a large-scale, long-term British study. The observation period was around 14 years.

The positive effect of coffee on our health is due, among other things, to the plant substances it contains. © Rainer Berg/Imago

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The group that drank two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups of tea were the least likely to develop stroke or dementia. "Compared to those who did not drink tea or coffee, consuming two to three cups of coffee and two to three cups of tea per day was associated with a 32 percent lower risk of stroke and a 28 percent lower risk of dementia," the researchers said in their study, published in the online journal Plos Medicine.

Compounds in coffee, such as plant compounds, could have a protective effect on nerve cells

The exact mechanisms behind this relationship are not yet fully understood. However, the researchers suspect that certain compounds in coffee, such as caffeine and antioxidants, could have a protective effect on the brain and nerve cells. This, in turn, prevents age-related memory loss.

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However, it is important to note that the study was an observational study and relatively few study participants developed dementia. As a result, the projections were made more difficult and a direct cause-and-effect relationship between coffee consumption and dementia could not be established in the study. More research is needed to study this link in more detail.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

This article was created with the help of machine support and carefully reviewed by editor Juliane Gutmann before publication.

Source: merkur

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