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Delon case: what is the medical examination for possible guardianship?


Highlights: Delon case: what is the medical examination for possible guardianship?. A court-appointed doctor will assess the state of health of 88-year-old Alain Delon, whose lawyer and son Anthony have requested a measure. "A practitioner must apply for and demonstrate competence and practice in the area of vulnerability," says Valéry Montourcy, who specializes in the law of vulnerable adults. The doctors who perform them are listed in advance, for each jurisdiction. They are, essentially, psychiatrists, geriatricians and neurologists.

A court-appointed doctor will assess the state of health of 88-year-old Alain Delon, whose lawyer and son Anthony have requested a measure

The star of "The Leopard" soon to be under guardianship? Alain Delon's state of health will be analysed by a doctor mandated by the courts, with a view to a possible judicial protection measure, the prosecutor of Montargis announced on Thursday. The 88-year-old actor's family has been torn apart by the media for several days, with his two sons Anthony and Alain-Fabien believing that he would be manipulated by his daughter, Anouchka. The lawyers of Anthony and Alain Delon therefore asked for "judicial protection" of the latter "for health reasons", hence the decision announced by the prosecutor.

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In concrete terms, how does such an examination work? The doctors who perform them are listed in advance, for each jurisdiction. They are, essentially, psychiatrists, geriatricians and neurologists. "A practitioner must apply for and demonstrate competence and practice in the area of vulnerability. Specific legal and medical training is not mandatory, but strongly recommended," says Valéry Montourcy, who specializes in the law of vulnerable adults.

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Source: leparis

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