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Draghi: 'EU economy is weakened, we need a road map' - News


Highlights: Draghi: 'EU economy is weakened, we need a road map' - In today's meeting with EU Commissioners, according to the former prime minister's collaborators, Mario Draghi proposed a brief overview of the dynamics that have determined current scenarios and prospects for European competitiveness. In this context, Draghi noted, the European economy has progressively weakened, losing momentum and ceding centrality in supply chains, to the benefit of other countries such as the United States and China.

In today's meeting with EU Commissioners, according to the former prime minister's collaborators, Mario Draghi proposed a brief overview of the dynamics that have determined current scenarios and prospects for European competitiveness. (ANSA)

In today's meeting with EU Commissioners, according to the former prime minister's collaborators, Mario Draghi proposed a brief overview of the dynamics that have determined current scenarios and prospects for European competitiveness.

Faced with the progressive weakening of the European economy, there is a need to define a broad and detailed roadmap, which clearly identifies priorities, lines of action and policies to be implemented in the various sectors, Draghi explained, underlining that his report can only be based on an accurate analysis of the data, the result of an exercise that is as open as possible.

In the brief introduction given by Draghi to the commissioners' seminar organized south of Brussels, the former prime minister, appointed by Ursula von der Leyen to draw up the report on competitiveness, noted how, since 2016, we have witnessed a series of new and relevant facts for Europe in the most diverse areas, from the election of Donald Trump to the overbearing appearance of the green transition on the agenda of governments and organizations, Until the advent of artificial intelligence, much faster than expected. In this context, Draghi noted, the European economy has progressively weakened, losing momentum and ceding centrality in supply chains, to the benefit of other countries such as the United States and China.

The war in Ukraine, the former prime minister added, has only confirmed the fragility of the Old Continent, not only from an economic point of view but also in terms of a geopolitical model. It follows - this is Draghi's reasoning - that it is necessary to define a broad and detailed roadmap, which clearly identifies priorities, lines of action and policies to be implemented in the various sectors.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-12

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