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How long should you wait after a meal to drink tea?


Highlights: The tannins in tea can interfere with the iron in food and limit its absorption by the body. For people who are anaemic (iron deficient) or have low levels of ferritin (a protein that stores iron), it is therefore crucial to pay attention to their tea consumption. The daily iron requirement for adults is 1 mg for men and 2 mg for women between puberty and menopause. While a balanced diet provides the body with iron, between 10 to 15 mg per day, only 5 to 10% is absorbed.

The tannins in tea can interfere with the iron in food and limit its absorption by the body. Interviewed in Stylist magazine, an English dietician nutritionist explains how to better consume the hot drink.

To wake up in the morning or boost their afternoon, some people find the necessary dose of energy in a steaming cup of tea at the end of the meal. As invigorating as it is, this reflex can be counterproductive. This is because this drink cannot be paired with all the foods on the plate, especially those rich in iron. The tannins contained in tea have the particularity of slowing down the absorption of this trace element essential for the oxygenation of the blood and our cells. This is what the English dietician nutritionist Nichola Ludlam-Raine reminds us in the columns of Stylist magazine on Wednesday 10 January.

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One hour before or after the meal

As the specialist explains, the tannins in black or green tea are full of polyphenols that bind to the iron present in certain foods, and which inhibit its absorption in the digestive system. Specifically, polyphenols interact more with plant-based sources of non-heme iron (legumes, tofu, pumpkin seeds, spirulina), and more moderately with the absorption of animal-derived heme iron (beef, pork, lamb, fish and seafood). For people who are anaemic (iron deficient) or have low levels of ferritin (a protein that stores iron), it is therefore crucial to pay attention to their tea consumption.

In order to limit this impact, there is no need to draw a definitive line under your favorite drink, reassures Nichola Ludlam-Raine. All you have to do is choose the right time to enjoy it. "It is generally recommended to wait at least an hour after an iron-rich meal or the absorption of an iron supplement before drinking tea. Similarly, try to have tea at least an hour before your next meal. This ensures that the tannins in the tea do not interfere with the absorption of the iron on your plate," she says.

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This advice doesn't come out of nowhere. The nutritionist relies on data from a review of 35 British studies, carried out in 2004 by researchers from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of King's College London. This work found that individuals prone to iron deficiency were more impacted by tea consumption during meals than those without any risk of anaemia. In this sense, the scientists invited in their conclusions to avoid tea during meals and to wait at least an hour after eating before drinking their hot beverage, in order to allow maximum absorption of nutrients.

As a reminder, the daily iron requirement for adults is 1 mg for men and 2 mg for women between puberty and menopause. In the latter, this rate is higher because of menstruation. While a balanced diet provides the body with iron, between 10 to 15 mg per day, only 5 to 10% is absorbed by the body. These intakes can vary depending on sex, age, and physiological status. Hence the need to monitor for signs of a deficiency (pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion, headaches, dry skin and hair, brittle nails) and to talk to a health professional to benefit from a blood test and possibly supplementation.

Source: lefigaro

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