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Intesa, in March the transfer to Isybank with explicit consent - News


Highlights: Intesa, in March the transfer to Isybank with explicit consent. Second phase of the migration. 60 thousand new customers reached. "Our work is aimed at building an all-Italian story of success and innovation," says Claudia Vassena, head of digital retail sales and marketing at Intesa Sanpaolo. "We are acquiring many new customers. We have reached 60,000 new customers and we are managing those who have already migrated as best we can," she adds. "Moved customers will have instant transfers and all withdrawals included in the fee, not only those in Italy and around the world"

Second phase of the migration. 60 thousand new customers reached (ANSA)

"The migration from Intesa Sanpaolo to Isybank is proceeding. As for the first phase, which took place in October, 90% of these customers already use the account on a daily basis." This is what Claudia Vassena, head of digital retail sales and marketing at Intesa Sanpaolo, said about the transition of customers to Isybank.

"These days, they are given information through the App, of the advantages and characteristics of the operations offered by Isybank. They will also find all the necessary information if they want to reopen an Intesa Sanpaolo account under the same conditions or better than those they had previously. Customers of the second phase that will take place in March, already informed in July, are currently given a new information notice that summarizes the characteristics of this transition. For example, migrated customers will have instant transfers and all withdrawals included in the fee, not only those at Intesa Sanpaolo branches, in Italy and around the world. There will also be many other initiatives at the digital level. Customers will have to give explicit consent if they want to switch to Isybank."

Vassena then pointed out that a communication campaign is underway and "we are acquiring many new customers. We have reached sixty thousand new customers and we are managing those who have already migrated as best we can. Our work is aimed at building an all-Italian story of success and innovation."

Video Passage of the Intesa-Isybank in March with explicit consent

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Source: ansa

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