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Mossad-Qatar agreement, hostages in Gaza will receive medicine - Breaking news


Highlights: Mossad-Qatar agreement, hostages in Gaza will receive medicine. In the coming days, Israeli hostages who have been held in Gaza for more than three months will be able to receive the medicine they need. This was announced by the office of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, according to which this development - long requested by Israel - was made possible following agreements between Mossad chief David Barnea and Qatar. Other humanitarian aid is also expected to enter Gaza, Netanyahu's office said.

In the coming days, Israeli hostages who have been held in Gaza for more than three months will be able to receive the medicine they need. (ANSA)

In the coming days, Israeli hostages who have been held in Gaza for more than three months will be able to receive the medicine they need. This was announced by the office of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, according to which this development - long requested by Israel - was made possible following agreements between Mossad chief David Barnea and Qatar. In the same context, other humanitarian aid is also expected to enter Gaza, Netanyahu's office said.
This announcement came after the Sabbath rest began in Israel. This made the media think that a sudden development took place behind the scenes.

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Source: ansa

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