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Star explosion, star showers and solar eclipses – these celestial phenomena are coming in 2024


Highlights: Star explosion, star showers and solar eclipses – these celestial phenomena are coming in 2024. The year 2024 is full of meteor showers and delights us with many falling fireballs. A supermoon can be seen in the second half of the year on September 17. The total solar eclipse on April 8 is not even to be seen at all. The last two novas of this kind took place in 1866 and 1946. In March 2023, the US astronomer Bradley Schaefer was able to detect a pre-eruptive dimming of the white dwarf.

Status: 12.01.2024, 15:45 PM

By: Sarah Isele

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The year 2024 has some celestial phenomena in store that should not be missed. For what reasons and when to look at the sky:

In 2024, there will again be some shooting star showers to see in the night sky. In addition, lunar eclipses and several solar eclipses are on the schedule. A very special spectacle in the night sky, which can even be seen with the naked eye, will occur in the first half of the year: a stellar explosion. When the celestial events will take place and how best to observe them, SÜDWEST24 knows.

These shooting star showers take place in the first half of the year

Shooting stars are always beautiful to look at and sometimes, it is said, they even fulfill one or the other wish. Luckily, the year 2024 is full of meteor showers and delights us with many falling fireballs. Every year in April, the Lyrids appear in the sky, their origin being Comet Thatcher. From April 14 to 26, the Lyrid meteor shower falls. On April 22, they reach their maximum.

The Perseids are the next impressive meteor shower. They fall from July 17 to August 24. In addition, the Perseids are probably the best-known and most observed shooting star shower. They are very easy to observe in our latitudes and reach their maximum on August 12th.

These shooting star showers take place in the second half of the year

Even in the second half of the year, the impressive shooting star showers do not stop. They can be admired from 2 October to 7 November. The Orionids are among the five most active meteor showers and they reach their peak on October 21. Relatively soon after, the Orionids were replaced by the Leonids. These fall every year from November 14 to 21 - the Leonids could also be seen in 2023.

The Leonids are a weak meteor shower. Therefore, it is questionable whether many shooting stars can be seen at its peak on November 17. The Geminids are also an annual celestial event – and 2023 is no exception. They fall from December 7 to December 17 and are considered the strongest meteor shower of the year. However, they are observed less often than the Perseids due to the time of year. The Geminids will have their peak on December 13.

Star explosion in the first half of the year

Probably the most impressive celestial event will be the stellar explosion in the first half of the year. Because 2024 is supposed to be the year of the next stellar death, as numerous astronomers announce. The last two novas of this kind took place in 1866 and 1946. This stellar explosion is triggered by the white dwarf T Coronae Borealis. Eight years ago, researchers detected changes in the radiation pattern of T Coronae Borealis that are markedly similar to the signs of the last stellar explosion.

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In addition, in March 2023, the US astronomer Bradley Schaefer was able to detect a pre-eruptive dimming of the white dwarf, so the brightness of the star has decreased. The dimming of stars also indicates a nova. We can actually see the explosion, which is about 2,000 light-years away, with the naked eye as a brief flash, but exactly when it will take place is still written in the stars.

Total Solar Eclipse on April 8

Another rather rare event is the total solar eclipse on April 8. This is awaited with special attention. But in our latitudes it is not to be seen at all. Not even a partial solar eclipse is to be expected for us at this time. The eclipse is particularly visible in Canada, the USA and Mexico.

In the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico, it even lasts four minutes and 28 seconds. A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned in space, and the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth – either totally or partially.

Supermoon expected in 2024

In the second half of the year, on September 17, a supermoon can be seen in the night sky. This takes place approximately every 13 to 14 months. The full moon is particularly close to the Earth, i.e. it reaches the closest point to Earth. That's why the moon looks particularly large at this time and gives a fascinating picture.

In addition, the moon also appears brighter. On Earth, about 30 percent more of its light reaches us. In the first half of the year, on March 25, a penumbral lunar eclipse will also take place, but it will be almost invisible in Germany. (rah)

Source: merkur

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