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The Cold Is Coming Back: Five Books That Will Make You Want To Be In The Sun Again


Highlights: The Cold Is Coming Back: Five Books That Will Make You Want To Be In The Sun Again. When the temperature drops, we recommend titles that whet your appetite for summer. With these five books, the sun rises again.Note to our readers: When you make a purchase through the links provided, we earn a commission from affiliates. This does not change anything for you. The cold is coming back: Five books that will make you want to be in the sun again. We present five novels that bring back the sun.

Status: 12.01.2024, 19:00 PM

By: Sven Trautwein

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Shortly after the turn of the year, temperatures rise again. In some regions, the snow line is falling. With these five books, the sun rises again.

Note to our readers: When you make a purchase through the links provided, we earn a commission from affiliates. This does not change anything for you.

Christmas and New Year's Eve with the turn of the year are not so long ago. Many people have made resolutions for the new year and, for example, want to eat healthier or find more inner peace, which can be achieved, for example, with "7 minutes a day - finally powerful and relaxed" by Franziska Rubin. But shortly after the rainy Christmas days, the temperatures go down and people prefer to retreat to a cozy place to read. We present five books that bring back the sun.

When the temperature drops, we recommend titles that whet your appetite for summer. We present five novels. © Shotshop/Imago/dtv (Montage)

Ali Hazelwood "Love, theoretically"

What brings back more warmth than a love story? Ali Hazelwood's TikTok book sensation continues with "Love, theoretically." Love has to do with physics. For the Cosmopolitan, the author makes "science sexy". What more could you want? Dive in and feel good. In addition, the limited edition with colour cut makes a good impression on the colour-sorted bookshelf. Although some readers may find color editing overrated, it fits this novel very well.

Scientist Elsie lives in the multiverse: As a theoretical physicist, she earns her money as a fake date companion. Until their parallel worlds collide: Of all people, the annoyingly attractive Jack – who knows her as his brother's girlfriend and librarian – has to decide whether she gets her dream job. In addition, as a cold-hearted experimental physicist, he leads a nasty feud against theoretical physics. As a result, Elsie finds herself on a science battlefield – and must defend herself against being pulled into Jack's gravitational field. Or should completely new theories about love be put into practice?

Blurb/Rütten & Loening

Ali Hazelwood "The Theoretical Improbability of Love"

2023 Rütten & Loening, ISBN-13 978-3-352-00995-2

Price: Softcover 18 €, 537 pages

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Amy E. Reichert "Happy Spirits"

Amy E. Reichert loves to write stories with happy endings. That's why "Happy Spirits" is just the right read for cold days, when it's better to snuggle up in a blanket, prepare your favorite drink as an accompaniment to the book and get completely involved in the story. After "Nur wer loslass, hat das Herz frei", "Happy Spirits" is the author's second title in German.

Sabrina Monroe has a special gift: Like all the women in her family, she can see ghosts. They come to her because they need help finishing the things they couldn't finish when they were alive. Since childhood, Sabrina has been accompanied by Molly, a good-humored ghost who loves romantic comedies. When Sabrina returns to her hometown in Wisconsin, charming restaurateur Ray turns her head.


Amy E. Reichert "Happy Spirits"

Translated by Hanne Hammer

2024 Heyne, ISBN-13 978-3-453-42611-5

Price: Paperback 13 €, 398 pages

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Alexandra Blöchl "What the sea promises"

Where better to spend the summer than on a small island in the north? This is also the opinion of the main character Vida from Alexandra Blöchl's "What the Sea Promises". Everything looks so well planned and predictable. But here, too, life sometimes plays a completely different game and throws a spanner in the works of many plans. A summer novel that doesn't appear until spring, but captures the perfect summer mood.

Vida has lived her entire life on a small island in the north. While her brother Zander left everything behind at an early age to seek his fortune on the mainland, Vida feels obliged to his parents. She will take over the business, marry her childhood friend – Vida has never questioned her future. That changes when a young woman moves to the island. Marie is independent, self-confident, free. The opposite of Vida. The two women become friends, more than that.


Alexandra Blöchl "What the sea promises"

2024 dtv, ISBN-13 978-3-423-28388-5

Price: pre-order hardcover 22 €, e-book 16,99 €, 280 pages (different format)

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Tessa Hadley "For a Summer"

It's not just the cover of "For a Summer" by Tessa Hadley that promises a holiday mood. For all those who were not able to read the summer novel last year, this novel is also recommended on cold days. It conjures up the warmth of a holiday, the days by the water, which for many are the perfect moments of the warm season. Everyone has their own ideas of a perfect summer, which collide wonderfully in this story.

For one summer, they return to the old English country house of their grandparents: the four siblings Harriet, Roland, Alice and Fran. Now, in their forties and fifties, they have to decide whether to keep the somewhat outdated house or sell it. Alice, a failed actress and an incorrigible romantic, brings along Kasim, her ex-partner's son who has just grown up, and Roland brings along his sixteen-year-old daughter Molly, pretty and naïve.


Tessa Hadley "For a Summer"

Translated by Sabine Schwenk

2023 Kampa Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3-311-15069-5

Price: Paperback €14, E-Book €12.99, 416 pages (may vary in format)

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Manuel Butt "Ornamental Fish in the Hands of Idiots"

Four stories of different characters are fun to follow the experiences of the characters. For anyone who lived through the 1990s as a teenager, it's a must-see. The content always puts a smile on the reader's face. What could be better on wet and cold days? As a little gimmick, there is a link to the Spotify playlist with a matching soundtrack on the spine. If there are no summer feelings. The paperback edition will be published in April.

Summer 96: Take That have split up, the world is dancing Macarena, and national coach Berti Vogts is fighting for professional survival at the European Championships. And there are also problems in the Schleswig-Holstein province: Tobi's parents say goodbye to a two-week vacation. A fortnight in which Tobi wants to sleep with Lisa for the first time, the driving test is coming up and he has to take care of dad's seahorse. None of this will work.

Blurb/No & But

Manuel Butt "Ornamental Fish in the Hands of Idiots"

2023 Kein & Aber, ISBN-13 978-3-0369-5003-7

Price: hardcover 24 €, e-book 18.99 €, 384 pages (depending on format)

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For more summer in books: Five novels set in the swimming pool. If you're looking for a summer thriller, we recommend "Summer Solstice" by Pascal Engman and Johannes Selåker.

Source: merkur

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