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Using coffee grounds to fight Alzheimer's: Researchers find substance that can slow down the progression of dementia


Highlights: Using coffee grounds to fight Alzheimer's: Researchers find substance that can slow down the progression of dementia. Product made from coffee grounds mitigates negative effects of environmental toxins. CACQD prevented cell damage caused by the pesticide paraquat by removing aggressive free radicals from the cells. In addition, CAC QD was able to inhibit specific protein deposits typical of Alzheimer's disease in experiments, as reports. The laboratory experiment has yet to be tested in clinical trials on humans, but the research team assumes it could be useful in people who have Alzheimer's in early stages.

Status: 12.01.2024, 15:37 PM

By: Juliane Gutmann

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More and more studies show that coffee promotes our health. A new study shows that a substance from the coffee bean has an effect on Alzheimer's disease.

Are you a coffee drinker? Then you will benefit from some health-inducing effects, as researchers around the world have proven in studies. Scientists led by Dr. Judit Simon from the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University in Budapest, for example, found that up to three cups of coffee per day is associated with a lower risk of stroke and fatal heart disease. Moderate coffee consumption is also said to have a positive effect on mental health – and even protect against depression.

It is also already known that regular coffee consumption has a positive effect on the risk of dementia. "We found that coffee and tea consumption, individually or in combination, are associated with a lower risk of stroke and dementia," said a team of researchers led by Yuan Zhang from the School of Public Health at Tianjin Medical University in China.

Product made from coffee grounds mitigates negative effects of environmental toxins

A recent analysis by Indian-American researchers also comes to the conclusion that a substance in coffee has a preventive effect on Alzheimer's disease. This is a caffeic acid-based substance with the abbreviation CACQD, which can be obtained from coffee grounds.

Coffee has some positive health effects. Even substances contained in coffee grounds are said to promote our health, as scientists have discovered. © Imago

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"Our results suggest that the CACQDs derived from caffeic acid, which potentially penetrate the blood-brain barrier, show promise for mitigating neurodegenerative disorders (editor's note: these are pathological changes that promote nervous system deterioration) associated with environmental pesticides and xenobiotic neurotoxicicides," write the study authors led by Jyotish Kumar from the University of Texas in El Paso (USA) in the Journal of Environmental Research. Xenobiotic neurotoxicity refers to chemical substances of non-natural origin that have a damaging effect on nerve tissue. Many environmental toxins, such as pesticides and herbicides, fall into this category. They are associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

CACQD from coffee grounds protects cells from free radicals

The researchers obtained CACQD from used coffee grounds using an environmentally friendly process. For this purpose, it was "cooked" for four hours at 200 degrees, as the official health portal of German pharmacists informs. In test-tube and cell culture experiments, the scientists were able to demonstrate that CACQD prevented cell damage caused by the pesticide paraquat by removing aggressive free radicals from the cells. In addition, CACQD was able to inhibit specific protein deposits typical of Alzheimer's disease in experiments, as aponet reports.

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The laboratory experiment has yet to be tested in clinical trials on humans. But the research team assumes that CACQD treatment could be useful in people who have Alzheimer's in the early stages. In this case, CACQD could prevent the progression of the disease, according to the researchers.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Individual questions about illnesses may not be answered by our editors.

Source: merkur

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