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A Boeing returns to the ground due to a crack in the pilot's cabin window - News


Highlights: A Boeing returns to the ground due to a crack in the pilot's cabin window. A crack in one of the four windows of the cockpit of an All Nippon Airways Boeing forced the plane to return to its departure airport in Japan. No injuries were reported on board. Ana flight NH1182 had departed from the city of Sapporo on the island of Hokkaido in the north of the Japanese archipelago and where it landed in Toyama, on the main island of Honshu.

A crack in one of the four windows of the cockpit of an All Nippon Airways Boeing forced the plane to return to its departure airport in Japan. No injuries were reported on board. (ANSA)

A crack in one of the four cockpit windows of an All Nippon Airways Boeing forced the plane to return to its departure airport in Japan. This was written by the BBC, specifying that there were no injuries on board. Ana flight NH1182 had departed from the city of Sapporo on the island of Hokkaido in the north of the Japanese archipelago and where it landed in Toyama, on the main island of Honshu.

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Source: ansa

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