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Cgia, Italian industry has collapsed in the last 15 years - News


Highlights: In the last 15 years, Italian industry has collapsed, it has held up only in the Northeast, which has grown by 5.9%. This is what the CGIA of Mestre claims in one of its researches. Between 2007 and 2022 the real added value of Italian manufacturing activity fell by 8.4%, in France by 4.4%. In Germany the change was positive and even equal to +16.4% Among the main European countries, only Spain, with -8.9%, recorded a worse result than Italy.

In the last 15 years, Italian industry has collapsed, it has held up only in the Northeast, which has grown by 5.9%. This is what the CGIA of Mestre claims in one of its researches. (ANSA)

In the last 15 years, Italian industry has collapsed, it has held up only in the Northeast, which has grown by 5.9%. This is what the CGIA of Mestre claims in one of its researches.
Although industry in the strict sense contributes "only" 21% to the national GDP, between 2007 and 2022 the real added value of Italian manufacturing activity fell by 8.4%, in France by 4.4%, while in Germany the change was positive and even equal to +16.4%. Among the main European countries, only Spain, with -8.9%, recorded a worse result than Italy.
Since the end of the Second World War, the last 15 years have been the most difficult for most Western countries. As far as Italy is concerned, for example, the Great Recession of 2008-2009, the sovereign debt crisis of 2012-2013, the pandemic of 2020-2021 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 profoundly changed the face of our economy. However, it is useful to point out that between 2019, the year preceding the outbreak of the biggest economic/health crisis since the Second World War, and 2022, the Italian manufacturing sector achieved a rebound greater than that recorded in the rest of the other major EU countries.

At the provincial level, Milan (with €28.2 billion in nominal added value in 2021) remains the most "manufacturing" area in the country. This is followed by Turin (15.6 billion), Brescia (13.5 billion), Rome (12.1 billion) and Bergamo (11.9 billion). Of the top 10 most industrialized provinces in Italy, 7 are located along the A4 motorway.
Of all the 107 provinces monitored, the one that recorded the highest growth in nominal industrial value added between 2007 and 2021 was Trieste (+102.2%).
Immediately after there is Bolzano (+55.1 percent), Parma (54.7 percent), Forlì-Cesena (+45 percent) and Genoa (+39.5 percent). The territories, on the other hand, where the losses in added value were most significant concerned Sassari (-25.9%), Oristano (-34.7%), Cagliari (-36.1%), Caltanissetta (-39%) and Nuoro (-50.7%).

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Source: ansa

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