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Polenta with mushrooms just like in Italy - voila! food


Highlights: Polenta with mushrooms just like in Italy - voila! food. It's easy to make, heartwarming and soul-pleasing, and mostly lovingly accepts almost anything you have in the kitchen. Go to the polenta with mushroom recipe and give it a try>. Polenta Workshop/Italian Food Week February 8-13, London. For more information on Italian Food Week, visit:

It's easy to make, heartwarming and soul-pleasing, and mostly lovingly accepts almost anything you have in the kitchen. Go to the polenta with mushroom recipe and give it a try>

Polenta Workshop/Italian Food Week

There were days when we looked at Italian polenta and were a little apprehensive. Something there seemed threatening, and the road to this ultimate comfort food was seen as too long and complicated.

But we grew up, and what scared us in the past is perceived a little differently today. This is true of many things, and also of this dish, which is a fairly simple cross between cornmeal and rich milky liquids. In fact, this recipe is so simple that our stopwatch stopped on just fifteen minutes of work.

At the end, the yellow queen of Italian cuisine was waiting for us, light, warming, comforting, suitable for a brunch or dinner, and especially happy to receive almost anything you have in the kitchen. Enjoy!

Easy to make, warming and comforting. Polenta with mushrooms - the ultimate meal when it gets chilly

Ingredients for the recipe

  • For polenta:

    • 175gcornmeal for polenta

    • 500ml milk (2 cups plus a little)

    • 80mlheavy cream

    • 50gbutter

    • 50ggrated Parmesan

    • Salt to taste

  • For mushrooms:

    • 400g champagne mushrooms

    • Black pepper

    • salt

    • 2cloves garlic

    • Olive oil

  • Conversion calculator

Method of preparation

How do you make mushroom polenta?

  • 1

    How to prepare the mushrooms: Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and sear them in a pan with a little oil over a strong heat until they are brown and still crispy. Add the garlic, fry together for another minute, season with salt and black pepper to taste and remove from heat.

  • 2

    How to prepare the polenta: In a saucepan, bring the milk and cream to a gentle boil.

  • 3

    Gradually and with scattering movements add the cornmeal to the saucepan and mix well.

  • 4

    Add the butter and parmesan cheese, mix and fix seasoning. Cook for 6-10 minutes by stirring.

  • 5

    Place the polenta cream on each plate (spread just like chickpeas) and pile the seared mushrooms in olive oil on top. Serve.

More toppings recipes

  • Polenta in 10 minutes

  • Chickens in red wine on a bed of polenta

  • Spinach polenta and mushrooms

  • Polenta chickpeas made from fresh corn

  • Zucchini pasta, lemon and nuts

  • Falafel with roasted eggplant

  • Horseshoe pancakes

  • Eggplant antipasti

  • Onion antipasti

  • Sweet potatoes and roasted beets

  • Lentil and vegetable curry stew

  • Beet antipasti

  • Green beans with almonds and garlic

  • Antipasti peppers

  • More on the subject:
  • Polenta
  • Mushrooms

Source: walla

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