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Suspension and socially useful activities after the occupation, Valditara's applause to the headmaster - News


Highlights: Suspension and socially useful activities after the occupation, Valditara's applause to the headmaster. The principal of the Tasso high school in Rome has also ordered the 5 in conduct for students. 170 students denounced themselves for the occupation that demanded more investment in education, greater attention to the psychological well-being of pupils. "Young people claim freedom of expression and opinion, no one denies it, but there are democratic forms in which it is exercised," he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

The principal of the Tasso high school in Rome has also ordered the 5 in conduct for students. "The constitutional and therefore democratic school," Valditara points out, "is the one that teaches respect for the rules and to combine freedom with responsibility." (ANSA)

On the matter of the Tasso high school in Rome, the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara expresses "his appreciation" to the school director and teachers "for the firmness shown" regarding the occupations of the Institute. The principal of the high school Paolo Pedullà has decided for 10 days of suspension, socially useful activities and 5 in conduct for the students who have occupied the institute since December 4 for a week.

"The constitutional and therefore democratic school," Valditara points out, "is the one that teaches respect for the rules and to combine freedom with responsibility."

The occupation of Tasso High School

At Tasso, 170 students denounced themselves for the occupation that demanded more investment in education, greater attention to the psychological well-being of pupils, justice for the Palestinian people and for women victims of gender-based violence and femicide. For them, therefore, the process of the disciplinary measure was immediately triggered with an official communication that came directly to the families.

At the end of the occupation, the headmaster Pedullà took stock of the damage and it is a huge damage: the glass of the entrance door and the locks of the offices were damaged, the safe was tampered with, some goods were stolen and dozens and dozens of badges were taken away. Not to mention the thousands of euros that the school had to allocate to sanitizing the structure.

"Young people claim freedom of expression and opinion, no one denies it, but there are democratic forms in which it is exercised," he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

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Source: ansa

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