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Taiwan, Lai strengthens at half-count and rises to 40% - Asia


Highlights: Taiwan, Lai strengthens at half-count and rises to 40% - Asia. Democratic Party candidate pulls away from rivals KMT and TPP (ANSA). About halfway through the counting of the Taiwanese presidential elections, William Lai is up to 40%. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate has garnered a total of 3.2 million votes so far. The third candidate Ko Wen-je, of the People's Party (TPP), loses share compared to the initial data and slips to 27.3%.

Democratic Party candidate pulls away from rivals KMT and TPP (ANSA)

About halfway through the counting of the Taiwanese presidential elections, William Lai strengthens and rises to 40% of the valid votes. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, according to Formosa TV's unofficial tally, has garnered a total of 3.2 million votes so far.
Detached at 32.7%, Hou Yu-ih, running for the nationalists of the KMT, with a total of 2.6 million votes, while the third candidate Ko Wen-je, of the People's Party (TPP), loses share compared to the initial data and slips to 27.3% (2.2 million votes).

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-13

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