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The euro-denominated fund returns


Highlights: The remuneration of the fund in euros, one of the favourite investments of the French, is back at the top. It is expected to yield close to 3% for the year 2023 in many contracts. Placement-direct has just announced 4.10% for its contract managed by Swiss Life. Milleis Banque, the first player to draw its rate, yielded 2.75% (compared to 2.15 in 2022). The time when this product paid a meagre 1% seems a long time ago.

DECRYPTION - Some contracts offered up to 5% in 2023. Enough to seduce savers again.

This article is from Le Figaro Magazine

This is one of the pleasant surprises of the beginning of the year. The remuneration of the fund in euros, one of the favourite investments of the French, is back at the top. It is expected to yield close to 3% for the year 2023 in many contracts. "For many insurers, this rate is now considered a floor," says Guillaume Berthiaux, president of Sofidy Gestion Privée. And sometimes much more. Placement-direct has just announced 4.10% for its contract managed by Swiss Life. The Garance group posted 3.5%, while the mutual insurance company MACSF has just announced 3.10%. Milleis Banque, the first player to draw its rate, yielded 2.75% (compared to 2.15 in 2022). The time when this product paid a meagre 1% seems a long time ago.

The new interest rate environment, which pays a better return on the money invested, partly explains these good results. It gives insurers more leeway to invest savers' money. But that's not the only reason...

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Source: lefigaro

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