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The Pope, let's bless people, not LGBT associations - News


Highlights: The Pope, let's bless people, not LGBT associations - News. 'To bless an entrepreneur we don't ask if he has stolen' (ANSA). The provision on the blessing of gay couples is about "people, not organizations. If the LGBT association comes, no, but always the people." Pope Francis said this at the closed-door meeting with the Roman clergy, according to sources present. Then he explained why the measure will not be adopted in Africa: "Culture does not accept it."

'To bless an entrepreneur we don't ask if he has stolen' (ANSA)

The provision on the blessing of gay couples is about "people, not organizations. If the LGBT association comes, no, but always the people." Pope Francis said this at the closed-door meeting with the Roman clergy, according to sources present.

Then he explained why the measure will not be adopted in Africa: "Culture does not accept it." But he added: "We bless people, not sin", "maybe they come as couples or as people". And then he gave an example: "When we bless an entrepreneur, we don't ask ourselves if he has stolen."

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Source: ansa

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