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Turkey, terrorist targets bombed in Iraq and Syria - Breaking news


Highlights: Turkey, terrorist targets bombed in Iraq and Syria. Turkey conducted nightly airstrikes on nearly 30 "terrorist targets" in northern Iraq, and Syria by "neutralizing" 20 PKK terrorists. The attacks targeted 9 locations including "caves, bunkers, shelters and oil installations" belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the YPG (People's Protection Units), a Syrian Kurdish militia allied in a coalition against the Islamic State. The terror group killed nine Turkish soldiers on Friday, the Taliban said.

Turkey has conducted nightly airstrikes on nearly 30 "terrorist targets" in northern Iraq and Syria by "neutralizing" 20 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq after the terror group killed 9 Turkish soldiers on Friday, the Taliban said. (ANSA)

Turkey conducted nightly airstrikes on nearly 30 "terrorist targets" in northern Iraq, and Syria by "neutralizing" 20 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq after the terror group killed nine Turkish soldiers on Friday, the Ministry of National Defense said. Anadolu reports this.
The ministry said the attacks targeted 9 locations including "caves, bunkers, shelters and oil installations" belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the YPG (People's Protection Units), a Syrian Kurdish militia allied in a coalition against the Islamic State.

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Source: ansa

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