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Weather: clear Saturday but Sunday worsens, then comes mild weather - News


Highlights: Weather: clear Saturday but Sunday worsens, then comes mild weather - 'From the 18th anomalous heat or cold, difficult forecasts' (ANSA). It will be a weekend with two faces. Today the weather is expected to be clear and frosty, but on Sunday it will worsen. In short, few traces so far of the winter of the past: sub-zero temperatures even during the day in the plains are a distant memory. 'From the 18th anomalous heat or cold, difficult forecasts' (ANSA)

It will be a weekend with two faces. Today the weather is expected to be clear and frosty, but on Sunday it will worsen and there will be a beginning of change: in fact, we will go from cold to mild weather in a few days. This was stated by Mattia Gussoni, meteorologist at the site.
The cold, with the exception of these last 4-5 days, the meteorologist points out, "has remained almost always confined beyond the Alps, the frost has only reached the Center and locally the South in the last few hours; In short, few traces so far of the winter of the past: sub-zero temperatures even during the day in the plains are a distant memory. Precisely in this period, 39 years ago (1985) -21°C was reached in Florence and -19°C widespread in the Po Valley". In the next few hours, after one of the coldest awakenings in recent weeks, he notes, "we will still experience crisp temperatures in the North, but in the South we will already find milder temperatures with some residual clouds". Then, a disturbance, coming from the Balearic Islands, will cause the rotation of winds from the west, south-west, milder winds that will bring a gradual increase in maximums (and minimums where the sky will be cloudy) and also local compact densities. On Sunday, in fact, it will be possible to record drizzle from Liguria to Calabria, on the entire western side: these very weak phenomena will be alternated with long dry phases and it will rain only locally. But the sky will be cloudier over the entire western sector.
Mid-month and mid-winter: on Monday, January 15, bad weather is expected with more widespread rains on the Tyrrhenian side, but the thermometer will soar; it will still be cold only in the North. The heaviest rains will hit Lower Lazio, Campania and Tyrrhenian Calabria and snow will fall only on the highest peaks of the Apennines, over 1500 meters. Subsequently, a train of disturbances will also bring some phenomena on Tuesday to the South and locally between eastern Liguria and Upper Tuscany, while on Wednesday it will rain over much of the Centre-North with the return of snow only in the Alps and not in the Apennines where rain is expected.
From Thursday 18 January, he concludes, "we may experience an anomalous warm phase or the passage of a polar core with a drastic drop in temperature and snow up to the Adriatic coasts. Basically, for the moment, a weather trend with very low reliability".

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Source: ansa

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