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Acclimatizing the new cat: ten tips to make your kitty feel comfortable quickly


Highlights: Acclimatizing the new cat: ten tips to make your kitty feel comfortable quickly. If you give your cat enough time, he will soon become a friend. Don't overwhelm the new roommate with loud noises and do not wave your arms wildly in front of his nose. Instead, speak to the animal calmly, quietly, and in a high-pitched voice. Play with your cat regularly in the evening when the animal is most active. A fishing rod or a string tied to a string is well suited for this time.

Last updated: 15.01.2024, 11:00 a.m.

By: Larissa Strohbusch

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Cats don't feel at home in their new home so quickly. However, you can do something to help the animal gain trust in you.

When a new kitten, preferably with siblings, moves in with you, it will certainly settle in quickly. However, if you take in an adult animal, the cat may react skeptically. Especially if you get a cat from the shelter that has already had a bad experience. With these ten tips, however, it is sure that the new roommate will soon become a friend.'s new WhatsApp channel is here!

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Tip 1: Adopt the right cat

If you give your cat enough time, he will soon become a friend. (Symbolic image) © Caramel Films/Addictive Stock/IMAGO

Don't take just any cat home with you, but choose one that suits you and your living environment. An anxious cat will certainly not be happy in a cramped apartment with children. Neither is a wild outdoor cat. Some breeds, on the other hand, are naturally more relaxed and trusting – they become cuddly tigers more quickly. Also, don't forget that most cats need a friend of their kind to be satisfied.

Tip 2: Offer your new cat retreats

The cat doesn't always want to be in the middle of it, and the new cat certainly doesn't. Leave her in just one room until she gets used to her new home. There she needs places to retreat such as a cat basket or a high-altitude climbing tree. A cave at your height is ideal: this allows the animal to observe you from a safe distance.

Tip 3: Give the cat time to settle in

A dog may be your friend after a walk. However, the cat usually takes longer. It's perfectly normal for you to hide from them for days or even weeks.

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Tip 4: Give your cat some rest

Cats are naturally shy and skittish. Do not overwhelm the new roommate with loud noises and do not wave your arms wildly in front of his nose. Instead, speak to the animal calmly, quietly, and in a high-pitched voice. This has a calming effect.

Tip 5: Go to eye level

Don't look down on the cat, it can be frightening. Instead, squat down or sit on the floor with the animal.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.

Tip 6: Respect the cat's body language

The cat seems cornered, opens its eyes wide, puts its ears on it and twitches its tail? Now she tells you clearly: Don't touch! You should respect that.

Tip 7: Imitate their facial expressions

On the other hand, you can adopt the cat's facial expressions and thus signal to it that you are a friend: instead of staring at the velvet paw, look out of half-open eyes and blink slowly. This is a sign of trust for the animals.

Tip 8: Play with the cat

Cats need to stay physically and mentally active to keep fit. Be part of it! Play with your cat regularly, ideally in the morning and evening when the animal is most active. However, if you want to gain the trust of a particularly shy cat, it is better to keep your distance at first. A cat fishing rod or a cuddly toy tied to a string is well suited for this.

Tip 9: Use feeding time for quality time

Always feed your cat at the same time, especially during the acclimatization process. Now is the ideal time to make yourself popular: sit (at a safe distance) with the cat or tomcat, talk to him calmly or even pet him if it is okay for the animal. Thus, it connects pleasant moments with you.

Tip 10: Praise the cat extensively

Carrots instead of sticks: If possible, do not scold your pet. It's scary. Instead, praise them as often as possible with kind words or favorite treats.

Signs that you have formed a good bond with your cat

One day, even the most anxious cat dares to come out of its hiding place and has become accustomed to its new home. Signs that the cat accepts you as a caregiver are:

  • He seeks out your proximity.
  • The cat strokes your legs and holds out its head to stroke.
  • She purrs and kicks – the milk kick is usually (but not always) a signal for a relaxed cat.
  • Your pet shows its belly. This is a great vote of confidence in cats.
  • The cat understands her name and comes when you call her.

Source: merkur

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