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Kate Moss in 50 photos for her 50th birthday


Highlights: Kate Moss is the most rocking British model in the fashion world. The English model celebrates her 16th birthday on January 2024, 50. In the 1990s, she advocated a rebellious spirit supported by an androgynous silhouette. Kate Moss also owes her popularity to a signature style of dress: slip dresses and flowing dresses her favorite pieces. The model's signature style is slim and skinny pants, sleeveless cardigan, khaki shades and animal prints like the leopard she rarely takes off.

The English model celebrates her 16th birthday on January 2024, 50. A look back at his career, between memorable fashion shows and rock'n'roll evenings.

A slender figure, stilettos on his feet, a cigarette never far away... A thousand and one details are able to define Kate Moss. This January 16, the most rocking British model in the fashion world celebrates her 50th birthday. The one nicknamed "La Brindille" since its beginnings was born to leave its mark on the clothing industry with its style. Between her sometimes sulphurous conquests (Johnny Depp, Pete Doherty, Jamie Hince...) and her memorable fashion shows, Kate Moss represented a rebellious femininity, making her image the embodiment of an era.

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Kate Moss in 50 photos

In pictures

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Beautiful and rebellious

What allowed Kate Moss to achieve iconic status was first and foremost her unique look. In the 1990s, she advocated a rebellious spirit supported by an androgynous silhouette. His slight squint, his "small" seventy meters, his youthful presence... A very British look, a thousand miles away from the voluptuous Claudia Schiffer or the very American Cindy Crawford. Kate Moss also owes her popularity to a signature style of dress: during her crazy evenings in the heart of London, she makes slip dresses and flowing dresses her favorite pieces. Like that evening in 1993 in London when, aged just 19, she caused a sensation in a see-through dress that revealed her black underwear to the audience.


When she's not perched on high heels or her shoulders dressed in an imposing fur coat, Lila Moss' mother stays true to her iconic pieces: slim and skinny pants, sleeveless cardigan, khaki shades and animal prints like the leopard she rarely takes off. Not to mention his minimalist campaigns for Calvin Klein in the 1990s. The famous black and white shots that launched it, helping to shape the style of this decade. We remember the Calvin Klein ad for the unisex perfume "CK be", on which, at the age of 18, she appears smiling in front of the slogan "Be good. Be bad. Just be." ("Be wise. Be bad. Juste, sois.", in French). In short, a motto that will follow the model throughout her career, highlighting a spontaneous naturalness that always fascinates.

Source: lefigaro

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