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Six kilos of belly fat in 30 days: Man only gives up one thing to lose weight


Highlights: Six kilos of belly fat in 30 days: Man only gives up one thing to lose weight. Australian James Swanwick told the British newspaper Mirror how giving up alcohol reduced his belly fat within a very short time. One in three adults in Germany has a significantly increased abdominal circumference – a strong indication of too much internal abdominal fat. A few simple exercises can help against belly fat. But not only sport, but also a healthy and low-calorie diet is important. The consumption of alcohol is part of everyday life for many people, but an occasional drinking break is healthy.

Last updated: 16.01.2024, 05:02 a.m.

By: Vivian Werg

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Belly fat is often underestimated and, according to experts, can promote serious diseases. How you can sustainably reduce annoying visceral fat.

Kassel – Excess belly fat is annoying and a tiresome topic for many people, because it is often not as easy to get rid of as desired. In times of countless fast food restaurants, snacks and soft drinks, it is often difficult to stay disciplined. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), one in three adults in Germany has a significantly increased abdominal circumference – a strong indication of too much internal abdominal fat. A few simple exercises can help against belly fat. But not only sport, but also a healthy and low-calorie diet is important.

According to the German Obesity Society (DAG), the so-called visceral fat, which is located in the abdominal cavity, triggers chronic inflammation and influences the immune system. Increased abdominal fat can also promote the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and severe Covid-19 courses. Australian James Swanwick told the British newspaper Mirror how giving up alcohol reduced his belly fat within a very short time.

Lose weight sustainably: Avoiding alcohol has a positive effect on body weight

James Swanwick, founder of Alcohol Free Lifestyle, noticed in his mid-30s that he felt sluggish and easily irritable, his face was swollen, and his sleep was poor. As the man explained to the British daily, Australian drinking culture means drinking a "socially acceptable" amount: a few glasses of wine with dinner during the week and several cold beers on weekends. However, after a key moment, he decided to give up his daily drinking habit and abstained from alcohol for 30 days. He was "shocked" by the results and the enormous amount of weight he lost. "I lost six kilograms of belly fat in just 30 days," he concludes.

Due to the symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting, it is not uncommon for severe weight loss to occur. However, an unwanted loss of weight is also considered a sign of stomach cancer. © Petrenko/Imago

His general well-being has improved, as has his sleep. His skin looked better and he enjoyed getting up early in the morning and exercising, he told the Mirror. His mental clarity has also become stronger. The abstinence from alcohol was also noticeable on the account. The positive effect on his health was so enormous that the now 46-year-old continued and lost over eleven kilos after a year. A study shows how you can also get rid of belly fat with carbohydrates.

Measuring weight loss success correctly with the body fat scale

You do sports and eat an exemplary diet – but the weight on the scales stagnates? Then it's time to take a closer look. Body fat scales (promotional link) are perfect for documenting your progress professionally and, above all, truthfully. They can do much more than just reveal the weight. Among other things, they measure numerous body-related data and show you exactly your progress in losing weight via app or display - even if these are not yet visible on the scales.

Losing weight in the new year: These are the health benefits of abstaining from alcohol

The consumption of alcohol is part of everyday life for many people. But an occasional drinking break is, as the health insurance company AOK writes, healthy. Consequently, not only physical, but also psychological complaints can be reduced by doing without. The health benefits vary from person to person. Depending on how long you abstain from alcohol, the body reacts very differently. Abstaining from alcohol has these positive effects on the body:

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  • The liver is relieved. Alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver in the medium term.
  • The risk of various cancers and cardiovascular diseases also decreases.
  • You lose weight – because alcohol and alcoholic beverages contain large amounts of calories.
  • Memory improves.
  • Sleep is deeper, performance during the day is increased.
  • You have more energy at your disposal.
  • Blood values and skin appearance improve.
  • Cravings decrease.
  • Overall physical and mental health improves.
  • Source: AOK,, Fit For

Fatty liver disease is often associated with alcohol consumption. This is because when alcohol leads to a strong accumulation of special fats (triglycerides) in the liver cells, it is referred to as an alcoholic fatty liver. Almost a third of Germans suffer from it – these symptoms are warning signs of fatty liver. (vw)

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Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-01-16

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