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A former stewardess at the helm of Japan Airlines - Asia


Highlights: Mitsuko Tottori, 59, has been appointed president of the Japanese airline. This is the first time a woman has held this position. She is also the first to reach the top of the carrier having joined the company as a stewardess in 1985. In Japan, the presence of women in the top management of companies is not very common. Only 15.5 percent of the seats on the boards of directors of companies listed on the stock exchange were occupied by women in 2022.

Mitsuko Tottori, 59 years old, joined the company in 1985 (ANSA)

A woman at the helm of Japan Airlines.

Mitsuko Tottori, 59,

has been appointed president of the Japanese airline.

This is the first time a woman has held this position.

Not only.

She is also the first to reach the top of the carrier having joined the company as a stewardess in 1985. Over the years Tottori has occupied various positions of responsibility and from April 1st she will sit in the chair that belonged to president Yuji Akasaka.

In Japan, the presence of women in the top management of companies is not very common: in 2022, only 15.5 percent of the seats on the boards of directors of companies listed on the stock exchange were occupied by women. 

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-18

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