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A murderous spouse will no longer be able to benefit from a matrimonial advantage, according to a text voted on in the Assembly


Highlights: A murderous spouse will no longer be able to benefit from a matrimonial advantage, according to a text voted on in the Assembly. The text, consensual, was the last proposed by the centrist group as part of its “parliamentary niche” It was approved by all 78 voters. Another article of the text plans to extend the cases where the tax administration can exempt a person separated from their spouse from being so taxed. The end of an “unfair situation”.

Another article of the text plans to extend the cases where the tax administration can exempt a person separated from their spouse from being so

The end of an “unfair situation”.

The National Assembly unanimously approved Thursday at first reading a text proposed by the MoDem allowing spouses convicted of murder or attempted murder of a spouse to be deprived of matrimonial benefits linked to their marriage contract.

The text, consensual, was the last proposed by the centrist group as part of its “parliamentary niche”.

It was approved by all 78 voters.

Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti welcomed a text putting an end to an “unfair situation”, while “under the state of the law, the spouse who caused or attempted to cause the death of his or her spouse can, without hindrance , take advantage of the matrimonial advantages inserted in the marriage contract.”

Currently “the spouse who has just killed his partner is excluded from the latter's inheritance (…) But the law is silent today on the fate to be reserved for matrimonial advantages, that is to say, contract clauses of marriage which benefit the spouse when the other dies", explains MP Perrine Goulet in her report.

Three other texts approved

Another article of the text plans to extend the cases where the tax administration can exempt a person separated from their spouse from being joint and several with their debt, such as when the latter is guilty of fraud or domestic violence.

“We are putting an end to an injustice,” said Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire on X.

We are putting an end to an injustice that forced some women to pay the tax debt of their abusive ex-husband even though they had no knowledge of his fraudulent actions.

They will now be able to more easily obtain the remission of the taxes incurred...

— Bruno Le Maire (@BrunoLeMaire) January 18, 2024

The three other texts proposed by the MoDem were approved without difficulty.

Thus a proposed resolution on housing, even if the oppositions castigated the “hypocrisy” of the centrists, who chose a text without binding value.

This proposed resolution invites the government in particular to take tax initiatives to “promote long-term rentals in the private rental stock, the construction of new housing and the renovation of the existing stock”.

Source: leparis

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