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Amla: Duja Kat's brother hit her and knocked her teeth out of her mouth - voila! celebs


Highlights: Rapper Duja Kat had to take the help of her mother, Debra Elizabeth Sawyer, after they were both assaulted by her brother, Raman Dalithando Dlamini. The request was filed by none other than the star's mother over the past month and claims he hit her so hard her teeth fell out. The concerned mother also said that her son had received temporary restraining orders from her since 2017, but their validity had already expired. TMZ reported that following the renewal of the request for the necessary order, the court ordered that Sawyer be placed under guard to protect Aaliyah.

Rapper Duja Kat had to take the help of her mother, Debra Elizabeth Sawyer, after they were both assaulted by her brother, Raman Dalithando Dlamini and the leaked court documents revealed it all

Doja Cat's Brother Physically & Verbally Abused Her, According to her Mom.

Aside from speaking to her in a very degrading and demeaning manner, she claims that her son (Raman) had knocked Doja's teeth out and had left her with cuts and bruises in the past. #KIIS100

— KIIS FM Uganda (@KIIS_FM_Uganda) January 18, 2024

We have often heard about Hollywood stars and the strange relationships they have with their family members, such as

Angelia Jolie

, who often kisses her brother on the mouth during various events and on red carpets.

But this time it is not about an excessive display of love, but about a display of severe violence.

According to documents submitted to the court and published by Page Six, musician

Duja Kat

was physically abused by her brother,

Raman Dalithando Dlamini

, and requested a restraining order against him.

The request was filed by none other than the star's mother,

Debra Elizabeth Sawyer

over the past month and claims he hit her so hard her teeth fell out.

But the abusive brother was not content with just physical violence: "Raman verbally attacked her in a very humiliating and humiliating way," it says.

In addition, it is claimed that the star feels scarred by the case: "She feels insecure and traumatized."

If that's not enough, according to the charges he also stole and damaged the star's belongings and also beat and threatened to kill his mother more than once.



— The Grace Report (@GraceReport) January 18, 2024

The concerned mother also said that her son had received temporary restraining orders from her since 2017, but their validity had already expired.

TMZ reported that following the renewal of the request for the necessary order, the court ordered that Sawyer be placed under guard to protect Aaliyah from the frightening structure, but the musician did not receive the same favor and the court did not put any security on her.


Celebs got a temporary restraining order from the shawarma after frequenting the place every day and the staff not keeping up.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Doge Kat

Source: walla

All life articles on 2024-01-18

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