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Crosetto, absurd and ideological controversies over the calendar - Last hour


Highlights: Crosetto, absurd and ideological controversies over the calendar - Last hour. All the soldiers celebrated in the 2024 Army calendar "after having fought in the ranks of the Royal Army in the Second World War, instead of surrendering or deserting, they all - let's say, all - took part in the Liberation War, precisely in 1943-1945". Thus the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto,. defines today's controversies as "specious and ridiculous". Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA.

All the soldiers celebrated in the 2024 Army calendar "after having fought in the ranks of the Royal Army in the Second World War, instead of surrendering or deserting, they all - let's say, all - took part in the Liberation War, coming... ( HANDLE)

All the soldiers celebrated in the 2024 Army calendar "after having fought in the ranks of the Royal Army in the Second World War, instead of surrendering or deserting, they all - let's say, all - took part in the Liberation War, being awarded the highest honour, the Medal of Gold for Military Valor, precisely in 1943-1945".

Thus the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, who defines today's controversies as "specious and ridiculous".

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-18

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