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Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry: all those times the Windsors were hospitalized


Highlights: Kate Middleton was admitted to the London Clinic on Tuesday "for elective abdominal surgery" The Princess of Wales, 42, is expected to remain in the hospital for ten to 14 days. In the process, Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles III would be hospitalized next week for a “benign” enlarged prostate. Like the sovereign and his daughter-in-law, many Windsors have been forced to spend varying lengths of time in hospital over the years. Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry: all those times the Windsors were hospitalized.

Concussion, abdominal surgery, skull fracture… Over the years, multiple members of the royal family have spent time in hospital. A look back at the Windsors' various medical setbacks.

The news caused a stir in the United Kingdom on Wednesday January 17.

Kensington Palace has indeed announced the hospitalization of Kate Middleton.

The Princess of Wales, 42, was admitted to the London Clinic on Tuesday "for elective abdominal surgery", the statement read.

“The operation was successful and she is expected to remain in the hospital for ten to fourteen days,” it was further specified.

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“Based on current medical advice, it is unlikely that Prince William's wife will return to public duties before Easter,” March 31, warns Kensington Palace.

In the process, Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles III would be hospitalized next week for a “benign” enlarged prostate.

Like the sovereign and his daughter-in-law, many Windsors have been forced to spend varying lengths of time in hospital over the years.

Read alsoPrince William visited his wife Kate Middleton in hospital

Elizabeth II's missed mass

President Ronald Reagan and Queen Elizabeth II ride horses in Windsor.

(June 8, 1982.) Getty Images

Starting with Elizabeth II herself, as reported by the magazine


In 1982, the Queen of England had her wisdom teeth removed.

Twelve years later, in 1994, she was again admitted to hospital after falling from a horse at Sandringham.

His faithful steed would then have stumbled, before collapsing.

The sovereign would have fallen on her left wrist, which would have broken under the effect of the shock.

In January 2003, Elizabeth II also underwent surgery on her right knee, after straining a ligament.

For a decade, the sovereign would never set foot in a hospital again.

Until March 2013, when she entered the King Edward VII hospital for two days, due to gastroenteritis.

His official trip to Italy, planned for the following week, was canceled.

The following year, she was hospitalized for another knee operation.

In October 2021, the monarch this time sprained his back.

This prevented her from attending Remembrance Day mass at the time, which would have particularly “disappointed” her.

After spending a night in hospital on October 20, 2021, for preliminary examinations, the sovereign remained in recovery for a month.

She will never fully regain her mobility after this hospitalization.

The pirate eye of Charles III

King Charles III gives a speech after his accident.

(London, November 21, 2001.) Getty Images

His son, King Charles III, himself made several visits to the hospital.

Particularly due to an injury that occurred in 1990. The sovereign then appears with his arm in a sling, after having broken said limb during a polo match.

Which earned him a brief stay at Cirencester Hospital.

Eleven years later, an incident that occurred while he was sawing a tree in his garden landed him in hospital again.

The sovereign must then undergo treatment to treat his eye, exposed to excess dust.

The king will be condemned to wear a patch for a while, at the risk of looking... like a pirate.

A real black streak, since the same year, Charles III fractured his shoulder while falling from his horse while hunting.

In May 2008, the former Prince of Wales also underwent the removal of a benign tumor on his face.

“A minor, routine intervention,” its spokespersons will specify.

Prince William's Golf Club

Prince William and Lady Diana attend the Wimbledon tournament.

(London, July 6, 1991.) Getty Images

At the beginning of the 1990s, Prince William underwent a major medical intervention.

During a golf tournament organized at his school in Wokingham, the future sovereign received an impromptu blow to the head from a club.

Result ?

A skull fracture, which required the 8-year-old boy to undergo a 70-minute operation at Great Ormond Street Hospital, followed by a one-night stay in the establishment.

Since then, the heir to the throne has not undergone any other intervention.

Conversely, his grandfather, Prince Philip, experienced his share of hospitalizations.


Prince Philip's denial

Prince Philip visits the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

(London, June 9, 2015.) Getty Images

In 1996, Elizabeth II's husband had a benign growth on his nose removed.

In 2008, the Duke of Edinburgh entered the King Edward VII Hospital for a lung infection.

The Evening Standard

then assures that he rather suffers from prostate cancer.

Buckingham Palace is forced to deny this “erroneous” information.

Two years later, Prince Philip underwent carpal tunnel surgery, then his heart, in 2011, and his bladder, in 2012. Before undergoing hip surgery, in 2018. In 2021, the Duke of Edinburgh suffers from slight discomfort.

He was then hospitalized “as a simple precaution” and underwent another heart operation in March of the same year.

He remained under surveillance for a few days, before returning to Windsor Castle, where he died a few weeks later, on April 9, at the age of 99.

Princess Anne's Olympic dream

Princess Anne, immortalized during the Trooping the Color parade.

(London, June 16, 2007.) Abaca

For her part, Princess Anne experienced her first hospitalization at age 14, after falling from a horse.

Race results?

A broken finger, because he accidentally got caught in the reins of his mount during the incident.

In 1976, she saw her dream of participating in the Olympic Games disappear for the same reason.

Victim of a concussion and a fracture, she spent nearly a week in hospital.

The princess will not make another known stay in a hospital establishment.

The Queen Mother's Bones

The Queen Mother attends the Cheltenham races.

(March 16, 1994.) Getty Images

The same cannot be said of the

Queen Mum


Elizabeth II's mother was hospitalized on multiple occasions.

One in November 1982, when she was admitted in the middle of the night to King Edward VII Hospital, due to a fish bone stuck in her throat.

The other in 1986, when she spent five days in the hospital because of a leg injury.

Appendicitis, cataracts, anemia... The Queen Mother will experience many other medical disappointments.

In May 1993, in particular, a piece of fish played tricks on him again.

She therefore went to the hospital in Aberdeen, Scotland, to have said piece of salmon, stuck in her throat, removed.

Princess Margaret's pneumonia

Princess Margaret immortalized in 1970. Abaca

Elizabeth II's sister also had several stays in hospital.

It all began in 1979, when Princess Margaret, suffering from pneumonia, entered the hospital for the first time.

In 1985, she had part of her left lung removed.

Eight years later, she entered the King Edward VII Hospital in London because she was suffering from pneumonia again.

In 1998, she suffered a stroke during a stay on Mustique Island.

The princess will subsequently experience two other strokes.

On February 9, 2002, she died at King Edward VII Hospital of a stroke.

Prince Harry's Bolt

Prince Harry performs a military salute in Afghanistan.

(Kandahar, November 9, 2014.) Abaca

Prince Harry was hospitalized in 2005 due to an injury suffered during a day of military training with Prince William.

“As part of an exercise, we went down a metal staircase,” relates the youngest of King Charles III in his memoirs.

Someone turned off the lights, to make the challenge more interesting, I suppose.

In total darkness, four steps down, I fell, landing on my left knee, which was immediately impaled on a bolt sticking out of the ground.”

Overwhelmed by “blinding pain”, the Duke of Sussex subsequently noted that “his leg does not work”.

“The palace announced a few weeks later that my entry into the army would be postponed,” says Prince Harry.


Meghan Markle's migraines

Meghan Markle attends an awards show.

(Santa Barbara, September 22, 2023.) Abaca

In 2015, his wife Meghan Markle revealed on the website

The Chalkboard

that she had been hospitalized due to severe migraines.

An illness against which the duchess now fights through acupuncture.

Her sister-in-law Kate Middleton, for her part, chose meditation and deep breathing to help her control the symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum from which she suffers.

A disorder which is characterized by violent daily vomiting during her pregnancies, and for which she was hospitalized for three days in 2012, when she was pregnant with Prince George, and treated in Kensington when she was expecting Princess Charlotte and the Prince Louis.

Kate Middleton's scar

Kate Middleton launches surgery department at St Thomas Hospital.

(London, December 5, 2023.) Abaca

During her childhood, the Princess of Wales also underwent an operation which left her with a 7 cm scar on her temple.

Although we do not know the exact reasons for this intervention, employees of the royal household nevertheless confirmed that it was “very serious”.

As for the surgeons interviewed at the time, they for their part declared that the scar was probably not the result of a tumor.

According to them, it could be due to the removal of a birthmark.

Also read: Morning sickness, abdominal surgery and temple scar: Kate Middleton's medical history

Queen Camilla's slide

Queen Camilla visits a research laboratory.

(London, June 29, 2023.) Abaca

In 2010, Queen Camilla was taken to Aberdeen Hospital after fracturing her leg while walking near the Balmoral estate.

She would have in fact slipped, then “had a fall” during the Easter holidays.

The couple's official spokesperson then indicated that the queen consort, victim of a fractured fibula, would wear a cast for at least six weeks.

Princess Eugenie's scoliosis

Princess Eugenie had scoliosis surgery when she was younger.

(Windsor, October 21, 2020.) Abaca

And if Princess Eugenie, for her part, only had one official stay in hospital, this one was not the least.

At the age of 12, the teenager was operated on for scoliosis.

An operation which lasts 8 hours, and leaves him with a scar on his back.

After the operation, Princess Eugenie spent three days in intensive care, a week in a specialized ward and six days in a wheelchair.

Evils of which the Windsors have never complained in public, faithful to their adage “

Never complain, never explain


Source: lefigaro

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