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Marina Abramovic, from performance to wellness - Beauty and Fitness


Highlights: Marina Abramovic, from performance to wellness - Beauty and Fitness. A facial moisturizer made from bread, vitamin C and white wine is the new product announced as part of 77-year-old Marina's Longevity Method Project. The face lotion, sold for $250, seems to suggest a return to essentiality thanks to ingredients "used for centuries to hydrate, protect and illuminate the face" With the rapid development of technology - Abramovic argues - we human beings would be lost if we did not embrace simplicity in all moments of our lives.

From dangerous performances, between physical pain, provocations and exhaustion, to the new queen of wellness: there is a new chapter in the creative path of Marina Abramovic, the Serbian but naturalized American artist who won the Lion of Venice in 1997. (HANDLE)

From dangerous performances, between physical pain, provocations and exhaustion, to the new queen of wellness: there is a new chapter in the creative path of Marina Abramovic, the Serbian but naturalized American artist who won the Lion of Venice in 1997.

A facial moisturizer made from bread, vitamin C and white wine is the new product announced as part of 77-year-old Marina's Longevity Method Project.

Which in truth in the promotional photos shows the well-smoothed skin of a woman who could be a couple of decades younger.

    Since it is Abramovic, there is a reflection at the basis of the initiative: "The search for beauty - explains the artist of Seven Death dedicated to Maria Callas and underway since December in Turin - is often confined to the surface, concentrated on products that they reinforce the external appearance".

The new offers, which also include a regime of drops based on grapes and currant juice for energy and garlic and lemon to raise the immune system, instead respond to a philosophy that "transcends superficiality, underlining the connections between well-being internal and external beauty".

The face lotion, sold for $250, seems to suggest a return to essentiality thanks to ingredients "used for centuries to hydrate, protect and illuminate the face".

With the rapid development of technology - Abramovic argues - we human beings would be lost if we did not embrace simplicity in all moments of our lives".

    It is the latest performance by an artist who has always involved the public in her installations, trying to expose (sometimes literally) the movements of the unconscious in each of us? According to ArtNews, with the composition of the lotion - the bread and the wine - Marina seems to allude to the gifts of the Eucharist rather than to the mixtures that a all the products were made with the assistance of Nonna Brenner, an expert in longevity and alternative medicine who runs a holistic medicine center in Austria: it was she who put Marina back on her feet in 2017 after Lyme disease, which had become chronic due to the bite of a tick, had knocked the artist out.

    "Grandma has decided that I have to live to be 110.

Women artists are re-evaluated only after one hundred, so perhaps at that point I too will be taken seriously." Among the other pieces of the Longevity Method, at least as far as Abramovic is concerned, there is total abstinence from alcohol and drugs , eight hours of sleep a day and having a lover who is 21 years younger. 

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Source: ansa

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