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New study refutes citizen's money myth: “The claim made is simply wrong”


Highlights: New study refutes citizen's money myth: “The claim made is simply wrong”. As of: January 18, 2024, 7:31 p.m By: Robin Dittrich CommentsPressSplit Citizens' benefit replaced unemployment benefit II on January 1, 2023. A study now contradicts the view that working is therefore not worthwhile. “In Germany, work always leads to higher incomes than doing nothing,” said the Munich Economic Research Institute on Wednesday.

As of: January 18, 2024, 7:31 p.m

By: Robin Dittrich




Citizens' benefit replaced unemployment benefit II on January 1, 2023. A study now contradicts the view that working is therefore not worthwhile.

Frankfurt - Citizens' money is intended to ensure a humane minimum subsistence level for those who cannot cover their living expenses from their own income.

Is it still worth working if you can also receive citizen's money?

Essay on citizen's money: Work is still worthwhile in Germany

The federal government writes that anyone who is employed and cannot cover their living costs from their own income receives citizen's benefit.

Since January 1, 2024, single people or single parents have received a standard rate of 563 euros per month.

There is a widespread opinion that it is no longer worthwhile to earn more money because many costs can already be covered by citizens' money.

However, a study by the Ifo Institute has now come to a different conclusion.

A study by the Ifo Institute has now refuted the widespread claim that working despite citizens' money is no longer worthwhile.

© Revierfoto/Imago (symbol image)

“In Germany, work always leads to higher incomes than doing nothing,” said the Munich Economic Research Institute on Wednesday.

However, there is one prerequisite for this, without which this does not necessarily apply: low earners must also apply for the possibility of topping up their income through additional social benefits.

If you don't receive any money from the state, you could actually earn less money from your work income than you would get from citizen's money.

Ifo Institute clarifies: “The claim made is simply wrong”

The head of the Ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys, Andreas Peichl, added: “The claim made by some politicians that those who only receive social benefits receive more net than a low-income earner is simply wrong.” To confirm this statement, asked the institute also provides calculation examples.

Accordingly, a single person in a city with medium rent levels like Dresden with a gross income of 1000 euros can earn 891 euros net with the help of additional social benefits.

Available income of different households according to the Ifo Institute:

Household type

Gross Income

With social benefits

Without social benefits

Citizen's allowance income


1000 Euro

891 euros

357 euros

563 euros


2000 Euro

1020 euros

965 euros

563 euros

single parent

1000 Euro

2033 euros

622 euros

1553 euros

single parent

2000 Euro

2489 euros

1320 euros

1553 euros

Single earner couple

1000 Euro

2127 euros

502 euros

Depending on income

Single earner couple

2000 Euro

2442 euros

1226 euros

Depending on income

Dual-earner couple

1000 Euro

2159 euros

630 euros

902 euros

Dual-earner couple

2000 Euro

2617 euros

1375 euros

902 euros

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In contrast, there is the citizen's allowance, which only amounts to 563 euros.

The economist Manuel Pannier confirmed that work for single people is only worthwhile with additional social benefits: “If a single person with a gross income of 1000 euros does not apply for any social benefits, then he ends up with 357 euros net.” According to the According to economists, this is the best solution to get more net from gross.




Source: merkur

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