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The League releases Solinas, green light for Truzzu in Sardinia. Quarrel over Bardi - News


Highlights: The League releases Solinas, green light for Truzzu in Sardinia. Quarrel over Bardi - News. News. Salvini: "Unity of the centre-right, of the coalition that the Italians voted for, comes before party or personal logic. So we will all decide together" Deputy secretary of the League Andrea Crippa: "Today the issue should be defined" of the center-right candidate for the regional elections. "It is not closed but I believe that in the end, given the insistence of FdI, the candidate will be TruzzU"

Crippa: 'Basilicata? Others have to make an effort' (ANSA)

"I believe that if a mayor or governor has worked well he can be re-nominated. Then for me the unity of the centre-right, of the coalition that the Italians voted for, comes before party or personal logic. So we will all decide together".

This is how

Matteo Salvini

responded to journalists in Benevento on Solinas' re-nomination in Sardinia, on the sidelines of a meeting on road safety.

The deputy secretary of the League Andrea Crippa also spoke on the topic in clear words

: "Today the issue should be defined" of the center-right candidate for the regional elections in Sardinia: "It is not closed but I believe that in the end, given the insistence of FdI, the candidate will be Truzzu".



? I understand and understand the position of FdI when it claims that in Sicily the candidate for president instead of FdI was Forza Italia. The League - he added - in Sardinia has made an effort to ensure that the centre-right is united and it is an effort to important to us, because we continue to believe that Solinas' team governed well. Now another party should make the same effort: if the rule that party percentages count is valid, at this moment the League is clearly in credit."   

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Source: ansa

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