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The usual idiots are back and they're starting a family - Cinema


Highlights: I soliti idioti 3 - The return arrives in theaters from January 25th distributed by Medusa. The despotic Ruggero and his son, victim and environmentalist, Gianluca, the bourgeois immoralists Marialuce and Giampietro, the gay couple Fabio and Fabio, the meek metalhead Sebastiano and the ferocious postman Gisella, form the charge of the 'incorrect' characters of Francesco Mandelli and Fabrizio Biggio. The concept of family dominates, for better or for worse, in the most diverse forms.

Over ten years of separation and not hearing from them. (HANDLE)

 Over ten years of separation and not hearing from them.

The despotic Ruggero and his son, victim and environmentalist, Gianluca, the bourgeois immoralists Marialuce and Giampietro, the gay couple Fabio and Fabio, the meek metalhead Sebastiano and the ferocious postman Gisella, the zarri who have switched to scooters Patrick and Alexio, form the charge of the limitless and 'incorrect' characters of Francesco Mandelli and Fabrizio Biggio, a rediscovered couple (almost 12 years after Soliti Idioti 2, which was released in 2012), as protagonists, and with Ferruccio Martini co-writers and co-directors, for I soliti idioti 3 - The return , produced by Roadmovie, arriving in theaters from January 25th distributed by Medusa.

"The events of the last 10 years have created a lot of writing material - explains to ANSA Mandelli who, with his friend Fabrizio Biggio, has perfect harmony, even in the way in which they complement each other's thoughts -. If I soliti idioti ten years ago they were monsters, today we can find them almost the same in reality, which has surpassed fantasy. Let's talk about what happens today with our point of view" which "is monstrous, because these are monstrous times - adds Biggio - Our monsters , then they married perfectly with the advent of technology, which is eating up everything. Who knows, maybe artificial intelligence will write the next Usual Idiots film", even if "we - jokes Mandelli - will have our own unique system, the artificial deficiency".

In the story (where Andrea Delogu, Gabriele Vagnato, Gabriele Corsi and from the musical world, Anna, Gue Pequeno and Big Fish also appear, among others) we find Ruggero who awakens from a 10-year coma and with the help of Patrixia ( in voice Sabrina Ferilli), a form of artificial intelligence as incorrect as him, starts dictating the law over the life of his son Gianluca again.

Meanwhile, Marialuce and Giampietro are busy trying to have a baby just so they can be invited to the parties of important acquaintances, all parents.

Patrick and Alexio have to face unexpected fatherhood while Fabio cannot resign himself to the fact that the other Fabio has become fluid.

Sebastiano finds himself on the road to collect a large sum from the relentless postman Gisella.

The concept of family dominates, for better or for worse, in the most diverse forms and it is Ruggero and Gianluca who guide the story in this sense: "the most loved characters, and those with the greatest cinematic scope - underline the two actors - with the father-son relationship we can all relate to it, it is a lens through which we can see every dynamic."

A story in which "political correctness doesn't bother us - explains Biggio smiling -. We do what we have always done, without setting limits imposed by others, also because it's all subjective".

The creative energy between Biggio and Mandelli, who returned to work together a year ago at the theatre, is always strong: "When we separated we were a saturated couple, it was important to go out and take a walk to be able to choose again - explains Mandelli - The The biggest mistake I made was taking the professional and human relationship with Fabrizio for granted. But over the years we've done our own thing, we've had fun without the desire to get back together ever going away."

On the other hand - says Biggio, who started the day as usual at Viva Raidue!

alongside Fiorello - we had worked together for 15 years before separating.

This break was good for us, I recommend it to all comedy couples." Once we get to the trilogy, will we proceed with new chapters for The Usual Idiots? "In the meantime, we would like to do the series, where we could experiment - they answer - there are new characters already In the dockyard…" 

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Source: ansa

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