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Bank of Italy, risks to Italian imports from Red Sea attacks - Breaking news


Highlights: Bank of Italy, risks to Italian imports from Red Sea attacks. Attacks on ships in the Red Sea pose a risk for Italian imports. A large part of the purchases of goods from China (our country's second largest supply market after Germany) passes along this route. A third of Italian imports in the fashion supply chain then pass through it. Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA 2013. All rights reserved. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy of the Bank of Italy.

Attacks on ships in the Red Sea pose a risk to Italian imports. (HANDLE)

Attacks on ships in the Red Sea represent a risk for Italian imports.

As stated in a focus of the economic bulletin of the Bank of Italy, naval transport in those waters accounts for almost 16% of Italian imports of goods in value.

A large part of the purchases of goods from China (our country's second largest supply market after Germany), from other East Asian economies and from the Persian Gulf countries exporting energy raw materials passes along this route.

A third of Italian imports in the fashion supply chain then pass through it.

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

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