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Collaboration agreement between ANSA and the Ethiopian agency ENA - News


Highlights: Collaboration agreement between ANSA and the Ethiopian agency ENA - News. ANSA continues to expand the network of international collaborations with information agencies around the world. The agreement provides for the availability and exchange of content between the two news agencies. The CEO of ANSA, Stefano De Alessandri, underlined how "this partnership will allow us to improve our coverage of events in Ethiopia, and vice versa will allow ENA to offer more news about Italy in Ethiopia", he said.

Present at the signing was the Italian ambassador Agostino Palese (ANSA)

ANSA continues to expand the network of international collaborations with information agencies around the world: a

new partnership has been signed with the Ethiopian news agency Ethiopian News Agency (ENA)


The agreement provides for the availability and exchange of content between the two news agencies and the possibility of developing joint commercial offers to support the communication of institutions and companies in the respective countries.

The collaboration agreement - in the presence of the Italian ambassador in Addis Ababa,

Agostino Palese

- was signed in digital connection by the CEO of the Ethiopian agency,

Seife Deribe

, and the CEO of ANSA,

Stefano De Alessandri


"My embassy and I - stated Ambassador Agostino Palese - work every day to strengthen the ties between Italy and Ethiopia, because we strongly believe in the strategic partnership between our two countries. We are therefore very pleased that the ties between Italy and Ethiopia also expand to the collaboration between two important news agencies such as ANSA and ENA, a fundamental step to bring our two peoples closer together".

The Ethiopian ambassador to Italy,

Demitu Hambisa,

who was unable to attend the ceremony, expressed in a note her satisfaction with the agreement reached: "Ethiopia and Italy have come a long way since they started their relations in 1889, working closely in both bilateral and multilateral contexts; diplomatic relations cover political, economic, social and cultural aspects. I believe that the cooperation agreement between two long-standing media outlets of the two countries, signed today, witness the all-round and fully developing relationship between Ethiopia and Italy: as ENA and ANSA are the oldest and largest news agencies in their respective countries, they will be able to respond to the information needs of their countries and regions in general".

For his part, the CEO of ENA, Seife Deribe, stated that "today's agreement between these two large agencies, ENA and ANSA, strengthens relations between Italy and Ethiopia.

We will work together to promote the relations between the two countries already established by their respective leaders", he underlined, recalling that Ethiopia "has the greatest concentration of Italian schools and cultural institutions in Africa". The CEO of ANSA, Stefano De Alessandri , underlined how "this partnership will allow us to improve our coverage of events in Ethiopia, and vice versa will allow ENA to offer more news about Italy in Ethiopia, as well as representing a first step for the development of projects to support communication of companies and institutions of the two countries".

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

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