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Super Cup: Sarri, 'losing against Inter is okay but not like this' - Last minute


Highlights: Super Cup: Sarri, 'losing against Inter is okay but not like this' - Last minute. "There is a difference between us and Inter, the merits of our opponents should not be underestimated. But it is not the difference seen tonight, we must not even underestimate our own demerits which in my opinion are very many," he said. "Lotito? He wasn't angry but disappointed like me, we made a bad impression in front of a large television audience," he added.

"There is a difference between us and Inter, the merits of our opponents should not be underestimated. But it is not the difference seen tonight, nor should we underestimate our demerits which in my opinion are very many. (ANSA)

"There is a difference between us and Inter, the merits of our opponents should not be underestimated. But it is not the difference seen tonight, we must not even underestimate our own demerits which in my opinion are very many. Against Inter we can lose but the way bothers me , confirmed his qualities but from here to what we saw on the pitch there is a difference, there are rather evident demerits of ours."

Lazio coach Maurizio Sarri said this in an interview with Sport Mediaset after the defeat against Inter in the semi-final of the Italian Super Cup.

"Lotito? He wasn't angry but disappointed like me, we made a bad impression in front of a large television audience. He thinks like me, you can lose against Inter but not like this - he added -. From the pitch I had the feeling that we were always in delay. I saw a team that was genuinely scared at the start, scared in the offensive phase and soft in the defensive phase."

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Source: ansa

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