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Mariah Carey reveals: This is the most effective exercise for my butt - voila! health


Highlights: Mariah Carey reveals: This is the most effective exercise for my butt - voila! health. The leg press is an old and very popular device in the traditional resistance training we know from gyms. Leg press is a complex and multi-joint exercise that activates several muscles in the lower limbs. Mariah Carey is apparently not satisfied with the leg press exercise, and makes sure of other exercises. Get additional options, which will be able to put a complete and balanced training plan for the lower body.

In a tight and sparkly evening dress, Mariah Carey posed on one of her favorite exercise machines in the private gym at her mansion. Why is the leg press device so effective for toning the buttocks?

At 54, we're all jealous of her butt.

Mariah Carey/splash


Mariah Carey

shared with her millions of followers this week a small part of her resistance training that focuses, of course, on her butt.

Some will say that apart from her magical voice and singing, the singer was blessed with an equally impressive butt.

Despite her advanced age (54), Carrie maintains a figure that does not embarrass many young women in their 20s or early 30s.

So what is Carrie's secret to such a perfect butt?

Apart from very good genetics that play in her favor (and most likely also ensuring a high-quality nutrition menu), the singer shares from her private gym a number of devices that she uses, and the main star is none other than the popular leg press device on which she jokingly and humorously poses in a tight evening dress, which is the most compliments her.

@mariahcarey Sunday Camp!


#ofcourse ♬ Obsessed - Mariah Carey

Who are you doing the leg press and why are you so good for Mariah Carey?

The leg press is an old and very popular device in the traditional resistance training we know from gyms.

It is likely that if you have a gym membership, you have probably come across several variations of the familiar device.

Leg press is a complex and multi-joint exercise that activates several muscles in the lower limbs, where in each joint one muscle acts as a dominant muscle and if other muscles help as synergistic muscles - they help.

In the knee joint, the front thigh muscles (quadriceps muscle) are active, in the hip joint the buttock muscle is active, although the hind thigh muscles help.

A number of additional muscles from the upper body may join this celebration, but depending on whether the exercise is performed standing with free weights or sitting as in the leg press machine we are talking about.

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Why does Mariah Carey love this particular device?

There are probably quite a few reasons, but the main one is - the singer simply feels the exercise better with this device than with the same performance of a squat using a bar with weights on the shoulder blades.

Dedicated devices such as Kerry's leg press device, especially those that are well engineered and rise accordingly, provide an excellent user experience that is reflected in several points:

1. A continuous and linear torque throughout the entire movement and one that simply makes us feel the muscles working at every stage, as opposed to, for example, working in a squat. There we will feel the peak torque only at the point when we are down.

2. These devices completely neutralize the awkwardness involved in operating and practicing with free weight and allow, for example, to perform drop sets quickly and efficiently.

3. Unlike performing a squat with a bar on the shoulders, an exercise that can be dangerous if not done correctly, there is nothing to learn here.

Sitting - and pushing with the legs.

4. The squat exercise requires weight on the shoulder blades, which may make the exerciser feel uncomfortable.

After all, it's less pleasant to exercise the leg muscles when your shoulders hurt.

So we understood why Mariah Carey prefers doing leg press on the machine.

But free-weight leg exercises certainly have a place of honor in any gym-goer's arsenal, and we shouldn't dismiss them just because the diva prefers machines.

Free weight exercises may still be far more functional and athletic in nature than seated machine exercises.

What other exercises will sculpt the butt and legs?

Mariah Carey is apparently not satisfied with the leg press exercise, and makes sure of other exercises.

Get additional options, which will be able to put together a complete and balanced training plan for the lower body:

1. Squat:

the push-up exercise or standing up from sitting.

The muscle group active in the lower body is exactly the same muscle group active in the leg press exercise and depending on the position of the weight on the body, the upper body is also active.

The squat, similar to the leg press exercise, can be done in a number of different variations, where the position of the legs may change to a certain extent the degree of involvement of the various muscles, so that, for example, a wider punctuation of the feet outwards (called a "sumo squat"), may result in the hip joints being more active.

Squat exercise Yossi Zeevi/courtesy of the photographers

2. Decisive:

Another leg exercise that many exercisers love because it activates the gluteal muscles in a maximal way.

The squats can be performed both when the leg is walking forward or walking backward.

Either way, a crucial exercise forces us to work on each side separately, which is the same as an excellent exercise for those interested in isolated work for each of the limbs.

Decisive exercise/courtesy of those photographed, Yossi Zeevi

3. Step-ups:

Similar to the squat exercise, here too we isolate each of the legs for unilateral work which allows us to overcome, among other things, asymmetry between the right side and the left side and in general, allows us to train each of the legs independently.

The stepsup is a particularly functional exercise.

Who among us does not climb on a stool from time to time or climb the stairs - stepfap.

4. Hip Trust:

Another buttock exercise from the family of bridge exercises in which we disconnect the buttock from the floor against weight or against body weight.

The hiprest exercise is actually an isolated exercise when the movement comes from the hip joint, and the dominant muscle is the buttock muscle, although the hamstrings and lower back muscles help.

Hip Trust exercise, Yossi Ze'evi/courtesy of those photographed, Yossi Ze'evi

5. Deadlift:

The standing up exercise from bowing is one of the most basic exercises and is actually considered one of the super exercises in resistance training.

Although sometimes, the skill of execution requires arduous and sometimes a little slow learning, this exercise has many advantages.

It actually covers a large number of muscles especially for the exercisers who choose to perform it.


One of the super exercises/ShutterStock

The writer is a Wingate Institute certified personal fitness trainer and sports instructor

  • More on the same topic:

  • buttock

  • toning

Source: walla

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