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The flu wave has begun – all age groups are affected


Highlights: The flu wave has begun – all age groups are affected.. As of: January 23, 2024, 11:30 a.m By: Jasmina Deshmeh CommentsPressSplit Now it is said again: winter is flu season. Most people are currently suffering from swine flu. What you should know about the pathogen. First Corona, now the flu: Respiratory infections have Germany firmly under control. After more than one in ten people in Germany were sick at the end of 2023, respiratory infections have declined somewhat.

As of: January 23, 2024, 11:30 a.m

By: Jasmina Deshmeh




Now it is said again: winter is flu season.

Most people are currently suffering from swine flu.

What you should know about the pathogen.

First Corona, now the flu: Respiratory infections have Germany firmly under control.

According to the

Robert Koch Institute (RKI),

the pathogens currently include many influenza viruses, more precisely the influenza virus A/H1N1.

It causes swine flu.

But how dangerous is the pathogen?

And how can you best protect yourself?

Influenza epidemics affect people of all ages

After more than one in ten people in Germany were sick at the end of 2023, respiratory infections have declined somewhat.

RKI experts attribute this to reduced contacts during public holidays and vacations.

Since the beginning of the year, the numbers have now been stable and are at 5,400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which means 5.4 percent of Germans (equivalent to 4.5 million people) are currently suffering from a respiratory infection with cough, sore throat or fever.

Young adults up to the age of 34 and school children aged five to 14 are particularly affected, while people aged 35 and over are less likely to become ill.

The flu wave has now officially reached Germany (symbolic image).

© Robert Poorten/Imago

According to the RKI,

the main culprits at the moment are

influenza viruses, RS viruses as well as corona and rhino viruses (classic cold viruses).

By definition, the “flu wave” has officially begun, according to the experts.

The swine flu virus was detected most frequently among the influenza viruses.

How dangerous is the pig flu?

The disease is called swine flu because it was first detected in pigs and people used to often become infected through contact with the animals.

The virus has now developed further so that transmission from person to person is possible, as the Helmholtz Center's

lung information service


The pathogen is transmitted through the finest droplets and usually triggers flu-typical symptoms, such as:

  • Sudden high fever

  • Loss of appetite

  • Sniffles

  • Sore throat

  • Cough

  • Muscle and limb pain

  • in some cases: gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

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When the first swine flu cases occurred in Germany in 2010, hardly anyone was immune to the virus.

The virus spread very quickly and turned out to be significantly more contagious than the common flu.

The public excitement was therefore great.

In most cases the disease is mild, severe courses and deaths are the exception in Germany, according to the

Federal Ministry of Health


The virus is now considered a contributing cause of seasonal flu waves.

Increased risk for pregnant women, small children and the elderly

As with the normal flu, special caution applies to swine flu when it comes to pregnancy, small children and the elderly.

Certain previous illnesses can also pose a risk of serious illness, including:

  • Lung and heart diseases

  • Metabolic diseases such as diabetes

  • Liver diseases

  • Immune defects

  • Severely overweight

  • Neurological and neuromuscular diseases

Possible (rare) complications from infection with swine flu include severe bronchitis, pneumonia, heart attack and stroke.

Anyone who belongs to the risk group should speak to their doctor about a possible flu vaccination.

How do you get infected and how can you protect yourself?

Like seasonal flu viruses, the swine flu pathogen spreads via droplet infection.

If tiny droplets are thrown into the air when sneezing, coughing or speaking, they can be inhaled by other people or absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

Since swine flu viruses survive outside the body for a while, transmission can also occur by shaking hands or touching contaminated objects such as stair railings and door handles.

How long a person is contagious after a flu infection depends on various factors.

The rule of thumb is: at least a week after the first signs of illness appear.

However, sick people can be infectious one day before the first symptoms and children and immunocompromised people can be infectious for significantly longer than seven days.

In order to avoid infection with all kinds of flu viruses, the

Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)

recommends ensuring sufficient hygiene in everyday life.

This includes washing your hands regularly, not touching your face with your hands, regularly ventilating heated indoor spaces and keeping your distance from people who are coughing and sneezing.

In addition, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and regular exercise can contribute to a strong immune system.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

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