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Lose weight with vegetables: two options for a celery diet


Highlights: Lose weight with vegetables: two options for a celery diet. The green vegetable contains many nutrients that are essential for the body. Celery has a very low calorie content with only 16 calories per 100 grams. The power vegetables also consist of around 75 percent water. The remaining portion is made up of fiber. Another benefit of celery for desired weight loss is that digesting the vegetable consumes a lot of calories compared to less fiber-rich foods. However, you should avoid crash diets or cures that only involve drinking celery juice, for example.

As of: February 4, 2024, 8:16 a.m

By: Judith Braun




If you want to lose a few pounds, you should include celery in your diet.

The green vegetables are a real slimming agent and help you lose weight.

Celery is a real power food: The green vegetable contains many nutrients that are essential for the body.

These include vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

Among other things, they support the metabolism and the immune system.

Celery can also help you lose weight.

Losing weight with celery: How the green vegetable can support weight loss

A celery diet is particularly good for losing weight.

For this purpose, the green vegetables can be drunk pure as juice or in the form of a shake.

© charlotteLake/IMAGO

Celery has a very low calorie content with only 16 calories per 100 grams.

The power vegetables also consist of around 75 percent water.

The remaining portion is made up of fiber.

Another benefit of celery for desired weight loss is that digesting the vegetable consumes a lot of calories compared to less fiber-rich foods.

A celery diet is particularly suitable if you want to lose a few kilos and help your body eliminate toxic substances.

As a rule, a celery cure lasts two to four weeks.

To cleanse the body and boost metabolism, celery is consumed at different times of the day and in different forms during this period.

Pure celery juice is often drunk on an empty stomach before breakfast.

You can also consume the vegetable as a celery shake every morning 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast.

To do this, celery sticks, ginger, green apple and lemon juice are processed into a shake in a blender.

It provides the body with important nutrients and stimulates digestion.

Organic celery juice

Squeezing celery juice yourself several times a day for the treatment requires time – and a really good juicer.

If you want to save yourself both, you can also order organic celery juice

(promotional link)

in three liters that are compatible with the treatment.

Particularly practical: the organic celery juice comes in a pack with a tap.

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Lose weight with celery: vegetables as part of a balanced diet

However, you should avoid crash diets or cures that only involve drinking celery juice, for example.

Instead, you should consciously use celery as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

During a treatment it is also important to avoid processed foods such as fast food.

Instead, opt for low-sugar meals and foods that contain a lot of saturated and therefore unhealthy fatty acids.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-04

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