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The number of Corona patients in Israel rose to 100 | Israel today


In the country

Corona continues to spread: 3 new patients were diagnosed with the virus this morning • At the same time, the pathways of some diagnosed patients were published • An officer in the Russian court reported that she had come in contact with a confirmed patient - the staff and detainees were sent to isolation

Corona virus continues to spread: This morning (Thursday) 3 more patients were diagnosed with the virus. The Ministry of Health said the details of the routes will be published later.

Photo: Ami Shamir

At the same time, a number of patients who were diagnosed yesterday and the following were released:

Patients 86-84: In the 1930s-40s, from central Israel, returned from Germany. They are in isolation from the date of return to Israel.

Fly on 1.3 on the AEGEAN A30929 flight at 5:40 from Tel Aviv to Athens, and the AEGEAN A30803 flight at 8:30 from Athens to Munich. Return to Israel on 6.3 at 6:25 from Maningen Germany to Tel Aviv on Rainier flight number FR3606.

Patients 88-87: Two brothers, 10 years old and 11.5 contacts of Case 42 (Sr.), from central Israel. The boy was with the father in Spain.

Round trip: 25.02 on Pegasus PC786 flight from Tel Aviv to Istanbul at 5:30 am 26.02 and next day flight, on Pegasus PC1099 flight from Istanbul to Madrid at 08:45, landing at 13:30.

Return on 2.3 on El Al flight LY398 from Madrid departing at 23:15, landing at Ben Gurion Airport on 3.3 at 04:50

Sands 90-89: In their 60s from the center of the country, who came from New York. Are in isolation as of the date of return to Israel.

Round trip: 27.2 from Tel Aviv to Moscow at 00:40 AEROFLOT flight number SU505. And on a flight from Moscow to New York at 9:25 AM AEROFLOT flight number SU100.

Return to Israel on March 9.3 from New York to Moscow at 14:25 AEROFLOT Company Flight SU101 and return on next day flight, 10.3 from Moscow to Tel Aviv at 8:35 from AEROFLOT Company on flight number SU502.

Meanwhile, entry and exit from the Russian Compound Detention Center in Jerusalem was banned after a female officer at the scene reported coming into contact with a coronated patient.

More on:

• For all Corona virus updates on the special page >>

• Flight from Italy, Qumran Restaurant and Red Pirate: all Corona patients

• President Trump has suspended all European-US flights to curb the spread of the Corona

• A Greek tourist who visited Israel died from Corona

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In coordination with the Israeli police and the court administration, the Prison Service decided that until the officer's test results were obtained, new detainees would not be accepted into the detention facility or detained. Also, those who are incarcerated and facing parole will be sent to house isolation. "Currently, there are 25 staff members and 119 incarcerated," IPS reports.

In the meantime, Peda-Fouria Medical Center is reporting a second patient in the Corona hospitalized on the spot. "The patient is a 70-year-old American tourist who arrived in Israel from Egypt. A mediocre condition, suffering from viral pneumonia, and difficulty in breathing," said the hospital.

Reporter: Shimon Yaish // Photo: Gil Kramer

Poria reports that the patient arrived at the emergency department at the medical center yesterday afternoon, after staff had been informed in advance of her arrival and her admission process was protected. The hospital also stated that the patient was "hospitalized in an isolated room, in accordance with all the Ministry of Health guidelines."

The condition of the tourist bus driver in Poria remains difficult but stable.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-12

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